Masters of Health Magazine September 2023 | Page 96

We provided individual reports for individuals under the campaign titled Subsequent Factors ( - front page, bottom middle).  The analysis provides Information which allows each volunteer to assess how their frequency-based biofield may have been affected by the ravages of Covid. 

We also published a listing of Covid associated Spike Proteins reported to be detrimental to optimal health.  ( – Corona tab) We documented that three of the Covid Spike Proteins were associated with frequencies that has been identified as the God Gene.

The idea of a God Gene has been proposed by geneticist Dean Hamer in the 2004 book called The God Gene: How Faith is Hardwired into our Genes.  Harner proposes that we have a God Gene that allows us to feel that we are all a part of the Greater Good, God, the Universe and each other.

Hamer identifies the God Gene as a protein that transports monoamine neurotransmitters – neurotransmitters such  as dopamine, serotoninnorepinephrineepinephrine, and   histamine –which are  released as

neurotransmitters  into our brain. These biochemicals help to manifest organize, and manage our emotions. Oxytocin is the human bonding biochemical that is circulated after childbirth to ensure bond between the mother and child.  It too is associated with frequency related to a virus in our DNA that can cause respiratory stress.

Officially identified as the vesicular monoamine transporter (V-MAT),  this protein utilizes a proton gradient generated by V-ATPases in vesicle membranes to power monoamine import. 

Hamer hypothesizes that the God gene is based on a combination of behavioral genetic, neurobiological and psychological study. The major arguments purport that the underlying traits of spirituality, love for your fellow man, genuine empathy and innate sense of optimism are managed by this gene.

Specifically, Hamer identifies the God Gene as the VMAT2 gene, (which encodes vesicular monoamine transporter 2), which controls the transport of key neurochemicals called monoamines and may account for a fraction of the genetic variation in spirituality. In fact, Hamer states, that monoamine modulation is the mechanism through which many psychoactive drugs may work and through which some of these drugs (such as psilocybin) might produce intense internal experiences sometimes described as spiritual or religious dialogues that could lead to universal awakenings.

Additionally, Hamer hypothesizes that  “self-transcendence might provide an evolutionary advantage by providing human beings with an innate sense of optimism that gives people the will to keep on living and procreating, despite the inevitability of death, and promoting better health and recovery from diseases.”

To counteract the attack on your VMAT2 God Gene it has been suggested by several prominent Long Covid experts that ingesting bromelain and acetylcysteine simultaneously will counteract this influence of Covid.  BioAcoustically, the combined frequencies of these two substances create NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) a coenzyme that helps repair DNA.  Energetically, the combination also creates Glutathione S Transferase – a major detoxifier and mitochondrial supporter.

The frequencies associated with the God Gene will be strongly influencing our planet and population during Sept and Oct, 2023.  The frequencies associated with the God Gene and Oxytocin manifest STRONGLY the second week of September.

If we could actively prepare to consciously be more thoughtful and mindful of how our actions may influence others, these stressed God Gene frequencies could be purposefully enhanced.  Maybe consciously displaying empathy and kindness during this time would help soothe our chaotic world.