Masters of Health Magazine September 2023 | Page 97

Acetylcysteine (NAC), when used together - not separately - cause the spike protein bindings to fall apart and dissolve into nothing.  Images of the results can be seen in the article references below.

The Combination of Bromelain and Acetylcysteine (BromAc) Synergistically Inactivates SARS-CoV-2 by  Department of Surgery, St. George Hospital, Sydney, NSW 2217, Australia,  Mucpharm Pty Ltd., Sydney, NSW 2217, Australia

VMAT2 codes for a vesicular monoamine transporter that plays a key role in regulating the levels of the brain chemicals serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. These monoamine transmitters are in turn postulated to play an important role in regulating the brain activities associated with mystic beliefs.

"It's a pump. A teeny-tiny pump responsible for packaging a neurotransmitter for export during brain activity. Yes, it's important, and it may even be active and necessary during higher order processing, like religious thought.