Masters of Health Magazine September 2023 | Page 95

Can Covid influence our Emotions?

A little known God Gene may connect us all

Sharry Edwards M. Ed

This column strives to bring you the latest in innovative ideas from the emerging field of human BioAcoustics in support of SELF-HEALTH.

Accelerating human healing through Vocal Mapping: our future depends on its acceptance.

Many people have volunteered their vocal prints for BioAcoustic analysis regarding the frequency-based damage they may have experienced after a Covid inoculation.  In particular people have reported extreme physical fatigue along with feelings of disconnection with the universe, family and friends and especially a disconnect from their own soul and spirit.

As most of those who read our column know, we reported in 2021 that the frequencies associated with Covid could drastically alter the body’s use of iron and thereby cause fatigue and impaired vascular issues.  The reports were designed to be shared with a person’s wellness provider in an attempt to create a protocol that could move them toward optimal form and function.

Vocal Summary example