Masters of Health Magazine September 2019 | Page 10

That day, I started off by finding a local personal trainer who could help me develop an exercise, sleep, and nutrition plan that I could stick to. The reason I did this is because I had tried to diet and exercise in the past but, like most people, I started and stopped dozens of time. I had lost over 250lbs already. It was just 15-20 lbs. off and then 15-20 lbs. back on, over and over again. I yoyo-ed until I was tired of trying.

With the work I do in brain research and peak performance behavior, I knew that having a simple plan to follow and an accountability trainer or partner would be imperative to my long-term success.

The latest research shows that it takes between 65 and 365 days of practice and effort to develop an empowering new pattern in our subconscious mind.

As the new pattern is reinforced through action and spaced repetition, the beginning of a new habit is created and your old habit pattern loses its grip on you. This makes the new behavior you really want automatic and easier to follow.

I knew from my research that in addition to doing the right things daily, I could accelerate the process by retraining my subconscious mind with visualization, mindfulness, subliminals, and mental contrasting techniques to name a few. This led me to create a brain retraining audio program to listen to daily. This audio program helped me reset my fat set point and old self-image with a new one.

This became a part of my daily mindset and actionset plan to release the fat and keep it off.

Every day I would follow the plan that my trainer put in place and I would listen to my audios while getting ready for work or while I was working out.

Within 30 days I could see and feel a significant change.

Fat started to melt off my body. My energy level soared. My sex drive was back and more than that… my self-confidence and self-esteem was on an upward spiral.

It took me about 3 months to really get into a new groove that has now become my daily health success ritual. Here is it:

I wake up and do a 1-minute gratitude exercise. I give thanks for whatever pops into my mind around my health, waking up, my wife, kids, etc.

Then I do a meditation and I Innercise for 15-30 minutes- Innercises are mental and emotional techniques I created to reset my subconscious beliefs, habits, self-confidence, and more.

You can see more in my new bestselling book at

I then exercise and stretch for 45-60 minutes, 6 days a week followed by a super healthy protein smoothie.

Next, it’s time for my hot and cold shower before I get to work.

This daily routine has been the same for the last 8 years. I do it on vacation. I do it at home. on weekends, holidays and everything in between.

I created a constructive, empowering, positive habit pattern that inspires me instead of the old, disempowering patterns that were expiring me way too fast.

Yes, I released all the excess fat.

Yes, I am having active fun again with my

2 sons.

Yes, sex and life with my wife is much better

But more than all of it, I am better.