Masters of Health Magazine September 2019 | Page 11

I feel better today at 58 than I did in my 40’s and early 50’s.

Now, I have a new lease on life.

A few years ago, I had this crazy idea.

Would it be possible for me to have a 6 pack (abdominal muscles) at 60? Crazy right?

Since I never had one as a teen, I thought it would be a fun and nutty idea, so I engaged two of my dearest friends in the world Mel and Robert to taking on this challenge with me.

Since Mel has always been in great shape, he quickly agreed but Robert, like me, had allowed himself to get fat. He was 110 lbs. overweight!

Well somehow, I convinced him to join me in the challenge and month after month, he made huge progress following his plan. Here is what happened…

Mel, as we all figured, not only got a six pack, he leveled it up to an 8 pack.

Robert lost the 110 lbs. and will have his six pack in March of 2020 on his 60th birthday.

I am well on my way and will hit that silly, fun goal also.

So, what is the real moral of this story?

Whatever you set your mind to and commit to doing… you can do. Let go of the stories. Let go of the reasons and excuses. Let go of settling for less than you are capable of achieving.

Life is short. We are all living longer and it’s up to you whether you will get old and have little to no energy and life in you, or whether you will feel more alive and vibrant than ever before.

You have the most powerful tool in the known universe to help you succeed.

Your brain.

Use it or lose it.

My dearest friends Robert (left), John and Mel