Masters of Health Magazine September 2019 | Page 9

I always thought that my health is my wealth. I talked about how important my heath was and here I was, a total contradiction to what I thought and said.

The truth is, that over time, I allowed myself to slip. I ate things I shouldn’t have eaten on a regular basis. I didn’t pay attention to my sleep patterns, and I had gotten so used to being tired all the time, I thought everyone was always tired. In essence, I didn’t make my health a priority and now it was coming to bite me in the ass.

Even when my kids pointed out what they were seeing and experiencing, I said, “I know” …. and did nothing about it.

My wife and friends nudged me and still I turned away thinking, “I’ve got this under control.”

I was a pro at rationalizing my behavior. Telling myself rational-lies!

Well, this doctor appointment did it for me. Maybe it was the fact that he too had warned me for years that I was drinking too much wine and eating second portions and desserts nightly.

For years he suggested I do a sleep study due to my consistent complaints around my lack of energy when I woke up each day.

Looking back, all the symptoms and warnings were there. All the nudges I got should have been enough, but they weren’t until this day.

On this day, for some reason I said, “Enough is enough. No more. I’m done talking about it and pretending that I am healthy and aging well.”

I committed to myself that I wasn’t going to just pay lip service to this anymore. I was going to do whatever it takes to get back to being healthy and in shape. I decided that I wanted to be healthy, vibrant and totally active in my 60’s, 70’s, and beyond.

I recalled a quote from Dr. Barnet Meltzer that says, “if you don’t make time for your health…your illness will make time for you.”

How true is that!

Many years earlier one or my mentors told me that when you are interested in achieving a goal, you will do what is easy, convenient, and familiar.

If you are interested, you will make stories and excuses that will keep you stuck doing the same things over and over again for months and years.

“However,” he said, “when you are committed to achieving a goal, you will do whatever it takes. No more stories, no more reasons, no more excuses or waiting. You’ll make a decision and take inspired action now!”

So, with that new mindset and a commitment to changing and improving my health, I began.