Masters of Health Magazine July 2019 | Page 20

Finally, I asked the man I've fallen in love with, a four-time Afghanistan veteran, to try transdermal magnesium. Among other issues, he has been unable to sleep through the night since returning from his last tour of duty 15 years ago. One dosing of the magnesium and he was out like a light for the entire night. He said he nearly missed getting up for work! The scientific explanation for his experience is simply this: magnesium is a powerful central nervous system tranquilizer. It truly is tranquility in a tube!

After all these life-changing experiences, I then began searching the medical literature and found, to my surprise, a great deal of double-blind research proving the benefits of this master mineral, which is needed for over 600 bodily functions.

Magnesium is as vital to our survival as the air we breathe and the water we drink. In the months and years to come, I am convinced we are going to realize that many of the "medical" conditions people suffer, such as heart rhythm disorders, hypertension (high blood pressure), seizures, childhood abuse, mood disturbances (such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder) and even PTSD can be attributed to a magnesium deficiency in disguise.

I must again reiterate: Stress depletes the body's magnesium stores. And since our modern era is rife with stress, I would not be surprised to discover that many of us are magnesium deficient.

And once we become deficient, it is not easy to reverse the deficiency using oral magnesium because some forms of oral magnesium are not easily absorbed. This is why transdermal magnesium administration is the most effective way to reverse the conditions that are the direct result of magnesium deficiency.

To return to my original remarks about disconnection being the source of our global dis-ease.

How does magnesium figure into our universal craving and need for connection?

Our bodies, minds and hearts are electrical machines. Our cells and organs, including the heart muscle, require various minerals in balance to function properly, and magnesium is one of the most important minerals. This is why doctors inject magnesium directly into the hearts of heart attack patients.


The magnesium literally enables the heart to beat correctly again. (Note: Potassium and sodium ratio are the body’s most critical mineral ratio, which also comes into play with heart function. )


Speaking of magnesium and our hearts. I often remind my patients that our ultimate purpose on earth is to perfect our ability to love ourselves and others. This life is what I call our Love Lab.

But how can we begin to connect from the heart until our hearts are functioning properly?

I recently began thinking that our hearts not only need magnesium in order to function mechanically, but also to function emotionally!

I tested my theory by running an experiment on one of my depressed and anxious patients who suffers PTSD. Words alone weren’t reaching her.

Then, the most amazing thing happened.

She told me in our next session a week later that she felt that someone had turned on the lights in her brain and revived her heart. Suddenly, for the first time in her life, she said she felt love for herself and all of humanity.

That was all the confirmation I needed!