Masters of Health Magazine July 2019 | Page 19

I must also say that I have a bias against Western medicine and pharmaceutical drugs. My entire life, I've used natural remedies to treat my patients as well as myself. That said, I've been disappointed more often than not by the limited success derived from many natural remedies. It's for this reason, that I was skeptical that trans-dermal magnesium would significantly impact my health and the health of my friends, family members and patients.

Boy was I wrong!

I tested the magnesium on myself first. I used the cream on my face and saw an amazing regeneration of my skin, which was dry and wrinkling due to long-term Retinol cream use. Within a day, my skin was like a baby's behind. No exaggeration!

Having developed hypothyroidism (low thyroid function) following years on the Ketogenic diet, I also applied the cream to my throat. My medical doctor had been coercing me to take prescription thyroid medication. I resisted. After a month of applying the transdermal cream on the area of my thyroid, I had my thyroid tested. My doctor was flabbergasted to see that my TSH had dropped into normal range. An elevated TSH level is a symptom of low thyroid function, and there it was in black and white: my TSH was normal! And, my thyroid levels had gone up. Research shows that the hypothyroidism side effect of the keto diet occurs especially in those over 50. I'm not willing to give up the benefits of low carb eating, so I am grateful that applying the mg to my neck has offset the thyroid lowering effect of the keto diet.

Having seen the results for myself, I recommended the magnesium to my 86-year-old mother. She applied the cream to her face, and especially on her cheeks, which were completely sunken due to collagen loss. She called me two days later and said her cheeks were no longer sunken! She went on to say that her varicose veins, which had been painful and unsightly, were nearly invisible and no longer painful. And, the pain in her back and legs was much improved. Next, she applied the cream on her thyroid, which was also not functioning properly. After a month, her doctor had to reduce her thyroid medication! By this point, I was convinced of its benefits.

And, I became a magnesium evangelist, literally speaking about and recommending transdermal magnesium wherever I went. Each time I wax on, people ask if I will sell them some cream, lotion or oil. Each time, I have to say, "I'm not a distributor," because I'm not! I'm just spreading the word because I know the world needs to hear this important news.

Next, I began recommending the magnesium to my patients, who have experienced their own health miracles. One patient, who was constipated since childhood, applied the magnesium on her stomach and, voila, she's been regular ever since.

Another patient of mine, a medical doctor,

told me that after applying the magnesium transdermally to her Mom's back, Mom's pain subsided and she was able to get out of bed, for the first time in years.

Yet another patient of mine who has suffered depression, anxiety, and intolerable food cravings and binge eating was unable to accept my suggestion that she eliminate carbs from her diet because her cravings made it impossible for her to control her intake. In fact, uncontrollable food cravings are caused by low GABA.

So, I had the idea to start her on the magnesium because I know that magnesium is a GABA precursor, meaning that magnesium is necessary in order for the body to produce GABA. I was sure that within a week on the magnesium her cravings would be gone and she would be able to switch her diet naturally, which is exactly what happened.

Finally, I asked the man I've fallen in love with, a four-time Afghanistan veteran, to try trans-dermal magnesium. Among other issues, he has been unable to sleep through the night since returning from his last tour of duty 15 years ago. One dosing of the magnesium and he was out like a light for the entire night. He said he nearly missed getting up for work! The scientific explanation for his experience is simply this: magnesium is a powerful central nervous system tranquilizer. It truly is tranquility in a tube!