Masters of Health Magazine July 2019 | Page 21

I asked her to apply the transdermal magnesium on her heart.

Then, the most amazing thing happened. She told me in our next session a week later that she felt that someone had turned on the lights in her brain and revived her heart. Suddenly, for the first time in her life, she said she felt love for herself and all of humanity.

That was all the confirmation I needed!

Magnesium is literally a chemical paddle that jumpstarts our bodies, minds, hearts, and souls.

I repeat: Dis-ease comes from disconnection.

PTSD is ultimately a disease of disconnection on an electrical, cellular, and emotional level.

Most patients suffering PTSD desperately need magnesium to connect the circuits before they can even hope to connect to others and give and receive love.

Magnesium is literally one of the the main sparks that ignites our hearts and connects us to others.

As you will discover, magnesium can be a very effective remedy for the epidemic disconnection that plagues our world.

At my upcoming workshop in August 9-11, at 1440 Multiversity, I will be offering the first hands and heart-on experience of jumpstarting every cell in your brain, body, heart, and soul.

After electrically plugging in, I will then teach my skills and techniques for communicating and connecting to others from the heart, especially when handling the conflict that inevitably arises in our relationships.

Join me and experience this revolutionary and effortless way to experience your very own total body Energetic System Upgrade and open your heart to connection and an overflowing well of health, joy and prosperity in every area of your life.