Masters of Health Magazine July 2019 | Page 18

The Chemistry

of Connection

Dr. Jamie Turndorf. Ph.D

In my debut column, I discussed the latest, but little-known, research proving that stress depletes one of the body’s particularly essential nutrient: Magnesium.

As I explained, magnesium depletion causes a syndrome called HPA-Axis dysfunction.

It is HPA-Axis dysfunction that causes PTSD.

And, here’s the exciting news: magnesium supplementation can reverse PTSD.

I have recently come to believe there is a correlation between the degree of magnesium deficiency and the severity of PTSD.

As we know, many veterans suffer an extreme form of PTSD as a result of the extreme stresses of war.

But, it’s important to realize that each and every one of us is more like our veteran brothers and sisters than we ever realized.

I say this because I am convinced that every human being suffers some degree of PTSD.

Why do I say this?

Because the road we call life is paved with domestic war zones that also deplete our magnesium stores.

There’s physical sickness...

Natural disasters that destroy our homes...

And, above all, there is emotional disconnection, which is most caustic of all for the human body, mind and soul.

For many of us, disconnection begins early in life. Emotional and physical neglect and/or outright abuse during childhood...

Followed by the aftershocks of our earlier traumas, which we tend to recreate in our adult relationships.

All the chronic disconnection and disharmony further depletes our bodies of magnesium, which leads to dis-ease in every aspect of our lives.

Let me digress for a second and say that I've spent decades studying alternative health and healing. I'm known for uncovering and reversing undetected physical ailments into my work with patients. In fact, MDs often consult with me when their own doctors can't figure out what's wrong, and declare "it's" all in their heads! Knowing it's not psychosomatic, and that there's something physically wrong, MDs come to me to figure out what's ailing their bodies! And, at, I launched the web's first Wellness Dictionary back in the 90s, which included researched, but often little known, natural remedies for every condition.