Nor, do they check exposure to EMFs, levels of toxic metals, both inner or outer environmental pollutants, including your drinking water. A hair analysis can determine your long-term body chemistry and toxic metal contamination.
Low blood pressure is also a symptom of depleted adrenal glands, although not as common as high blood pressure.
Rebuild your adrenal and thyroid glands; nourish your liver and kidneys, which takes time and a lot of good nutrition. Consume a diet high in anti oxidants, flavanoids, and dark, leafy greens. Cilantro and turmeric greatly assist with the elimination process. Quality protein and EFAs in balance are also necessary, as is a daily does of sunshine vitamin D. Acupuncture and various herbs can also be very beneficial.
Walking barefooted along the seashore without sunglasses or sunscreen is highly beneficial. It provides sunshine vitamin D, full spectrum daylight, negative ions from the waves, earthing to rid the body of EMF pollution, exercise, and relaxations. Go walking along the seashore whenever possible.
To function electrically, the heart needs on a daily basis, quality protein, EFAs in balance (especially omega 3), and sunshine. The heart also needs potassium and magnesium in balance with other minerals.
Be sure to READ LISTEN TO YOUR BODY & LOVE IT - Part 2 in the March issue of Masters of Health magazine.
NOTE: The information in this article is very basic and for educational purposes only. It is not intended to treat any illness or disease. For any illness or disease you are advised to consult with a competent health practitioner.
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