Masters of Health Magazine February 2022 | Page 52


Consume organic food for your blood type and provide the basics on a daily basis, such as:

•         Clear air and negative ions

•     Clean structured pure (fluoride-free) spring water

•         Sunshine and full-spectrum daylight

•        Organic food that includes: quality protein, EFAs in balance, complex carbs,

minerals, vitamins, enzymes, and other nutrients


Be aware of what you are eating and drinking on a daily basis, how much natural sunshine you are getting each day, and how well are you nourishing your body with the basics of life and avoiding the pollutants.  EFAs in balance (omega 3 in particular) are vital for all bodily functions. 



Energy is the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity.

It also plays a part in your emotional wellbeing.  Your energy level depends on how well you nourish your body, including its nervous system and glands; mitochondrial biogenesis; environmental stimuli; your level of exercise; circulation; exposure to full-spectrum lightwaves and sunlight, frequencies, wifi, and EMF's; the health and function of your glands.  Your adrenal and thyroid glands play a major part in energy production.  Hormone balance or imbalance are a major indicators of this.  You are as young as your glands.


Do you experience constant tiredness; difficulty waking in the morning; needing a stimulant (e.g., caffeine) to get going or maintaining energy level throughout the day; headaches and nausea; depression for no known reason; loss of sex drive; hormonal imbalance; thyroid and/or adrenal burnout; difficulty sleeping.  Adrenal burnout and hypo or hyper thyroid disease is now an epidemic in the Western world, especially in fluoridated areas.  Stimulants, EMFs, wifi, inharmonious architecture, and stress also greatly contribute to burnout.



Wean off ALL stimulants such as all caffeine drinks, etc., as soon as possible.  Also, eliminate exposure to fluoride, which inhibits the uptake and production of iodine and destroys the thyroid over time.  Nourish your body well for your blood type. 


Eliminate EMF exposure as best you can.  Protect your children.  This means switching from wifi to ethernet for your internet connection.  Using a Smart Meter Guard provides an affordable solution to smart meter exposure.  Limit your mobile phone use, which can also cause EMF damage over time.  Use a landline when possible. Moms Across America (MAA), Children’s Health Defense (CHD), Nexus Newsfeed, and Uncensored magazine provide a wealth of information on these topics as do various other sites.  Learn about all the endocrine glands in your body, their needs, and their functions


Light waves play a big part in melatonin production and how well you sleep at night.  Use low blue light bulbs and screens at night time on your computer and/or mobile phone.  Not all brands of these products are the same, so do your homework. 


High blood pressure medications are the #1 selling drugs in America.  Obviously, the current medical system does not recommend a good, healthy diet, meditation, acupuncture, therapeutic massage, and/or earthing outdoors in the sunshine.  All of which can be very effective.