Masters of Health Magazine February 2022 | Page 50


For starters take a good look at the shape of your body, which reveals a lot about what your parents and grandparents ate and how well you were nourished in the womb and as a growing child.  The first 9 months in the womb and the two years after birth are the most important as they form the foundation for life.  What does your body shape tell you?  Is it strong, healthy, and in proportion?  Look at your bones, your posture, your teeth, your muscle and fat mass, the shape of your face, your hair, your skin, your eyes. 

While you can’t undo what your parents created, you can maximize your strengths and minimize your weaknesses.  Also, you can improve the growth and development of the next generation of growing children.


Take a look at how much your body shape and weight has changed from when you were younger.  From my many years of experience and observation, I believe that sugar and refined carbs add fat to the body and oil distributes the fat to various parts of the body.  Damaged fats/oils (most vegetable and seed oils, especially canola oil) disrupt the glands and hormone production, which add fat to unwanted parts of the body, including visceral fat.  The older you get the more revealing this becomes.

Plus, these damaged fats/oils, are contributing to an increase in non-alcohol fatty liver disease, even in young people.


Do you have a double chin, fat belly, and rolls of fat on your midriff, thighs, and back side?  Change your oils!  AVOID refined vegetable and seed oils; in particular, canola oil, which I believe disperses the fat into these areas.  Before the use of canola oil, this type of fat turkey neck and big belly displacement was rarely, if ever, seen.  Labelling it organic is misleading because it originates from GM seed and is highly processed.

 If you have too much fat on your thighs or butt eliminate the gluten grains, refined carbs, such as bread, bagels, baked grain desserts, pastas, pizza, and fried or processed junk foods.  All non-organic grains are heavily sprayed with cancer causing glyphosate that can contribute to leaky gut and destruction of the microbiome over time.  Plus, most of these products are made with damaged fats/oils (e.g., canola, safflower, corn, soy, peanut oils, etc.).  I believe these highly processed damaged fats/oils are a major contributor to type two diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.   


To learn more about fats/oils, sugar, and what foods are beneficial go to the Nutrition page at: and  


If you have a barrel shaped body with a triglyceride belt (fat tummy), studies indicate that you could be a candidate for heart disease.  Change your diet!


The hair on your head is an indication of the hormonal condition of a man’s testicles and a woman’s ovaries.  What does the hair on your head indicate?


Are the measurements of your bust and hips about the same size?

Is your waste at least 10” smaller than your hips and bust? If so, you are in good proportion and got off to a good start.

If not, then reflect and pay attention to what your body is telling you and the nourishment it is being deprived of.  Address what is causing your belly to bloat?


Do you have infertility?

Irregular menstrual cycles indicate a hormonal imbalance.  You may be deficient in natural vitamin E and A, living an unhealthy lifestyle, and/or exposed to caffeine and EMFs.


Cramps before your period can indicate a magnesium deficiency and/or consumption of damaged fats/oils, and/or too much alcohol.  A chocolate craving is a symptom of a magnesium deficiency.