by Lady Carla Davis, MPH
Specializing in Nutrition
The fact that
And now, the world’s population is not only being told, but mandated to have experimental inoculations called vaccines and boosters every few months as the safe and effective panacea for everything. Even our children are being experimented on like guinea pigs, and thousands are dying in the process. Billions of our tax dollars are being diverted to this madness (i.e., racket) with no end in site. Worse, serious conflicts of interest and crimes against humanity are involved.
Clearly, most government leaders, their medical regulators/agencies, and hospitals are not about promoting good health, but rather all about selling drugs (i.e., legal drug dealing) and control, because they are beholden the pharmaceutical industry with their massive political contributions. The same can be said for the main stream media (MSM) who earn over 70% of their revenue from big pharma.
The pharmaceutical corporations have been sued more than any other industry for violating criminal laws, fraud, and harm. In fact, several of the top drug corporations are convicted felons. Who are the billionaire benefactors behind them? Hello! Is anyone connecting the dots or thinking clearly anymore?
This medical fiasco is literally destroying people’s lives and bankrupting economies. In addition, its trajectory is unsustainable and doomed! We now know that the government medical boards and regulators we depended on for decades have continually lied to and misled us. Hence, they have lost all credibility.
The power of Mother Nature and good nutrition are never promoted by medical boards who control doctors, nurses, and medical school curriculums. And, when health conscious doctors or health practitioners try to promote alternative natural treatments, nutrition, a healthy diet, and/or supplements to their patients, they are often reprimanded, bullied, and threatened with loss of their medical license. This is medical tyranny!
The only way to survive in today’s heavily polluted, drugged culture is to get back to Nature, LISTEN to your body, and LOVE it!
Below are various ways your body communicates with you—Pay attention, LISTEN to your body and LOVE it.