Masters of Health Magazine September 2023 | Page 84

I have provided below a list of some of the false claims that governments and the medical-industry have made over the last three years that are now putting global populations at risk. It is time for everyone who has this knowledge to stand up visibly for the truth to ensure that ethics and principles can be restored to our society and institutions.

If we lose courage we lose the truth and without the truth there is no other virtue” (Sir Walter Scott).

The False Claims Provided by Governments and the Medical industry in 2020-22:

1.      Humans would not have any natural immunity to this new mutated Coronavirus 2019 (False). (The family of Coronaviruses cause the common cold, so the correct assumption is that we would have some natural immunity to a new mutation).

2.      The PCR test can be used in people without symptoms to diagnose COVID disease (False). (It is a supportive tool and can only be used to assist in diagnosis when someone has symptoms. The PCR test is being misused and misinterpreted).

3.      A healthy person can be diagnosed as an asymptomatic case of diseaseusing a PCR test (False). (A PCR test cannot be used to diagnose disease in people without symptoms: finding a virus in a person does not indicate they will ever get a disease because viruses only cause disease symptoms if there is a poor environment (terrain). A healthy person should never be classified as a case of diseaseand isolated from society).

4.      An asymptomatic infectionis a 'case of disease and a risk to the community(False). (This is an infection without symptoms and can only be identified with an antibody test (not a PCR test). A positive antibody test shows you have gained natural immunity to an infection without any disease symptoms. You are not a risk to others and healthy people should never be tested to see if they have a respiratory virus. There are hundreds of viruses that cause flu-like symptoms.

5.      Flus and colds disappeared in 2020-22 (False). (They were re-classified as a new disease called COVIDbased only on a PCR test that was misused in healthy people. The diagnosis was not based on symptoms, or systematic testing for any other virus, bacteria or medication that cause the same symptoms).

6.      These COVID mRNA injections are vaccines(False). (They are genetically-engineered modified mRNA drugs until they are proven to prevent disease and that the benefits far outweigh the risks).

7.      COVID vaccineswould prevent you getting COVID disease (False). (These genetically-engineered COVID injections were never tested to see if they prevent COVID disease and  they are causing COVID disease.

8.      COVID vaccineswould reduce the severity of COVID disease (False). (Hospitalisations and Deaths increased when the COVID injections were implemented in 2021-22 and UK data also shows that 92% of alleged COVID deaths were triple vaccinated).

9.      COVID vaccinesare safe and effective(False). (Many deaths and illnesses were recorded in the short-term trials and in post-marketing surveillance).

10. Adverse events are rare(False). (How can they be claimed to be rarewhen the injections had not been studied in the genetically diverse population when they were marketed in 2021?).

11. The COVID vaccinesstimulate the immune system to produce a Coronavirus spike protein(False). (They stimulate the immune system to produce a recombinant synthetic (man-made) protein that is foreign to our bodies and is being called a spike protein. This foreign protein can result in  autoimmune diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Arthritis, Diabetes, Graves Disease, Guillain Barre Syndrome etc.

The book Slaying the Virus and Vaccine Dragon” by John OSullivan et el, exposes the psychological strategies that were used by governments (directed by the WHOs public-private partnerships) to predict and manipulate a global pandemicbased only on an industry-designed mathematical model that had hidden assumptions about viruses and vaccines. (Book Review).

References  exposing these false government claims are:

1. Dr. Paul Marik, the Truth about the Shots

2. The mRNA Vaccines are Neither Safe Nor Effective

3. Pfizer, FDA, CDC Hid Proven Harms to Fertility from Vaccine Ingredients.

4. Life Insurance Data proves 34% increase in deaths in young people 35-44 Years since 2021 when the COVID ‘Vaccines’ were implemented.