Masters of Health Magazine September 2023 | Page 83


Does Not Mean Unprotected

Dr. Judy Wilyman, PhD

The False Claims (Pseudoscience) Provided by Governments

and Doctors over the Last Three Years

Not only are you not unprotected due to natural immunity if you did not get the COVID injections, but the COVID injections were NOT vaccines. Therefore, you are also not unvaccinatedor an antivaxxer. Here are the reasons why the genetically engineered COVID injections were NOT vaccines:

Fact: A drug cannot be described as a vaccine until it is tested for a minimum of 10 years because many of the adverse health outcomes come out months and years later.

Question 1: How can a synthetic (man-made) drug be claimed to be safe and effectiveor that the benefits far outweigh the risks, without this long-term data?

Question 2: Why did governments claim that it would prevent people getting COVID disease” from the beginning of the roll out, when it was never tested in clinical trials, to see if it prevented COVID disease?

Vaccination Decisions

Welcome to the first Vaccination Decisions Substack. I have been writing newsletters for over a decade attempting to provide the knowledge that people need to understand the influence of the pharmaceutical companies and the UNWorld Health Organisation (WHO), in the Australian governments decisions on public health policy.

This became necessary because the diversity of media ownership laws in Australia were removed over the last two decades, and this has led to a lack of independent vaccine information being provided to the general public.

Democracy only exists when the people can hold their government to account. This ability is removed once there is a lack of independence in the media. In Australia, we have a corporate-sponsored media that is ~80% owned by Murdoch News Corp.

In this situation reality can be inverted as you have seen over the last three years: black becomes white due to the mis- and disinformation presented when governments collaborate with a corporate-sponsored media to control the information you receive. This is also described as public-private partnerships. Australias politicians are heavily influenced by corporate lobby groups, financial bonuss and being required to present the government narrative through party policy.

Australia is in a Pre-Police State (Independent, Andrew Wilkie, Australian Parliament 10th September 2015)

Currently, the Australian government is attempting to further this censorship by pushing through new legislation in the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) Amendment (Mis and Disinformation) Bill 2023. This bill will allow the government to continue promoting the medical fraud that the UN/ WHO is directing (with financial incentives) to all member countries in global health policies.

There is a clause in this ACMA amendment bill that exempts politicians from being censored for the mis or disinformation that they provide on social media platforms. This legislation will completely remove the façade of democracy that still exists in Australia.