Masters of Health Magazine September 2023 | Page 79

Study shows Consumer 's demand for organic products is increasing, more farmers

cultivate organically, more land is certified organic, and 178 countries report organic farming activities."

Geoengineering Sounds Like a Quick Climate Fix, But It’s a Costly Gamble − With Potentially Harmful Results

David Kitchen, Associate Professor of Geology at the University of Richmond, writes for The Conversation:

“When soaring temperatures, extreme weather and catastrophic wildfires hit the headlines, people start asking for quick fixes to climate change. The U.S. government just announced the first awards from a US$3.5 billion fund for projects that promise to pull carbon dioxide out of the air. Policymakers are also exploring more invasive types of geoengineering − the deliberate, large-scale manipulation of Earth’s natural systems.

The underlying problem has been known for decades: Fossil-fuel vehicles and power plants, deforestation and unsustainable agricultural practices have been putting more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than the Earth’s systems can naturally remove, and that’s heating up the planet.

Geoengineering, theoretically, aims to restore that balance, either by removing excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere or reflecting solar energy away from Earth.

But changing Earth’s complex and interconnected climate system may have unintended consequences. Changes that help one region could harm another, and the effects may not be clear until it’s too late.

Read more about the risks of solar radiation management: Geoengineering Sounds Like a Quick Climate Fix, But It’s a Costly Gamble − With Potentially Harmful Results

Take Action Now, #SayNoToSolarGeo! Blocking the Sun Is NOT a Climate Solution!