Masters of Health Magazine September 2023 | Page 78

What is the Deal with Fair Trade Labels?

Ryan Nebeker, Food Print, reports:

“You might not know it from its generally low price tag, but chocolate has a host of production issues, from child labor on cacao farms to issues with deforestation. Chocolate isn’t alone in this either: many of our everyday foods, like coffee, bananas and more, are tropical products with invisible supply chains. A number of labels, especially those that invoke “fair trade,” market themselves as a more ethical option, but they usually come at a price premium. 

What is the Fair Trade Movement?

Who are the Fair Trade Organizations in the U.S.?

What are Differences between the U.S. Fair Trade Labels?

Explore Fair Trade Labels in Our Food Label Guide

Get answers to these questions and more: The Basics of Fair Trade Labels

The Cornucopia Institute reports:

“If you’re one of the many organic consumers with questions or concerns about the food preservation product called Apeel, Cornucopia has answers. ..."

We’ve done extensive research to cut through misinformation and marketing copy. Read our guide, which includes some tips on what you can do to demand transparency around an ingredient you may not even know you’re eating.

What is Apeel? What are food coatings?

What’s in Apeel? How did Apeel get into organic food?

Your questions answered here by Cornucopia

TAKE ACTION: Ask OMRI: How’d Apeel get into USDA Organic?

Apeel and Edible Coatings in Organic