Masters of Health Magazine September 2023 | Page 57

exciting NEWS

Rob Verkerk to lead

ANH both sides of the Atlantic

GE Vaccines in Organic Meat & Dairy


The USDA and some organic certifiers have been looking the other way as genetically engineered (GE) vaccines make their way into US organic production. This contravenes the very principles of organic agriculture. This government-sanctioned deception of the public must stop—particularly as we prepare for a wave of mRNA vaccines hitting the market. Action Alert!

Are you prepared to roll the dice with your health when you visit your grocery store?

Access to good, clean food is a pillar of natural health, as is transparency of our food supply chain. As such, many health-conscious consumers pay the premium to buy organic foods because they are meant to be free of synthetic inputs and much closer to the foods grown and consumed by our ancestors. Organic certification also is meant to provide a high level of transparency of organic foods and ingredients.

But large commercial interests have been eroding organic standards for some time. From a plain reading of the law (not to mention common sense) genetic engineering is not allowed in organic production. Yet according to industry watch-dog OrganicEye, the USDA, some certifiers, and certain commercial producers seem to be operating on a “don’t ask, don’t tell” basis when it comes to the use of genetically engineered (GE) or GMO-containing vaccines in organic livestock. The bottom line: there is currently no way for you to know whether GE or GMO-containing vaccines have been used to produce USDA-certified organic meat, eggs, or milk. If we want to protect the integrity of the organic standard, we have to close this loophole that’s being exploited by fraudulent operators once and for all.

At ANH-USA, we’ve been engaged on this issue for over a decade. In 2019, the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB), an advisory committee that helps the USDA shape organic standards, began considering whether to allow vaccines produced through “excluded methods” to be allowed in organic food. “Excluded methods” refers to practices like genetic modification. The NOSB has since recommended to the USDA that GE vaccines be allowed in organic production when an equivalent vaccine not produced through excluded methods is not commercially available.

But make no mistake: GE vaccines are already being used in organic production, and we have no way of knowing in which products. According to OrganicEye: “In discussions pursuant to vaccines at previous NOSB meetings, some certifiers, accredited by the USDA…have publicly admitted that they do not even check to determine if vaccines violate the prohibition against genetic engineering.” This is supported by comments from the organic industry: “Due to the lack of information or guidance about how to identify a GMO vaccine, certified livestock operations, with approval from their certifier, have chosen vaccines based upon effective disease prevention and not based on its GMO status.”

To us, the use of GE or GMO-containing vaccines in organic food amounts to public deceit, a blatant disregard of the law, and probable fraud. The USDA appears to agree, stating, “The use of genetic engineering, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs), is prohibited in organic products.” That the agency is reportedly looking the other way while GE or GMO vaccines are used in organic production is another demonstration of Big Ag’s influence on the integrity of our food supply.

With challenges to natural health and freedom mounting in the USA, the UK and Europe, ANH USA and International teams consolidate, with Rob Verker, Ph.D., as leader.

Nature-aligned health at risk

Threats to natural health continue to grow. On the one hand our fundamental freedoms and long-standing principles of medical ethics are being deeply eroded. On the other hand, Big Pharma, the products of which have dominated healthcare for the last 80 years, has now aligned itself with the biotech industry.

This means Pharma’s model is now moving away from using biochemistry to block or interfere with physiological or metabolic pathways, to one where it’s modifying our genes or their expression in ways that nature does not. But that's not all.

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