Masters of Health Magazine September 2023 | Page 12



Pythagoras believed that the planets, all heavenly bodies, ring out notes of vibration based on their orbit and distance from each other.  These planetary frequencies resonate with each other in harmony.  Humans are connected to the Cosmos and impacted by these harmonic frequencies via their endocrine glands and organs. 


My journey to become acquainted with the brilliance of the stars in the heavens began in the desert of Oman.  I had the great privilege of joining a Bedouin tribe crossing the desert, which enabled me to gain insight and observe the stars traverse the night sky from horizon to horizon.


Astrology quite literally walked into my life.  One day, while in my artist studio in New York City, an astrologer walked in.  He introduced himself and explained that a friend, who was a mystic, told him that he was to teach me astrology.  He was one of the last Jungian astrologers.  Once a week for two years, I met with him to learn Jungian astrology.


Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology.  Jung's work has been influential in psychiatry and the study of religion and literature.  In 1955, Jung wrote the following in his  Collected Works 8,

"The basic meaning of the horoscope is that, by mapping out the positions of the planets and their relations to one another (aspects), together with the distribution of the signs of the zodiac at the cardinal points, it gives a picture first of the psychic and then of the physical constitution of the individual.  It represents, in essence, a system of original and fundamental qualities in a person's character, and can therefore be an equivalent of the individual psyche."


Archetypal Astrologer


As an Archetypal Cosmologist, I use your natal chart to unveil your purpose on Earth; revealing your soul contract and the past journey that has brought you to this point.

When you look at the personal chart, you can see the divine soul contract.


The idea is to maximize your potential and live a life rooted in wisdom and confidence while understanding others through the lens of your souls mission.

I teach people the importance of individual sovereignty.  The more we learn this, the freer we can be.


Astrology is a language that allows us to tap into who we are.  We are all connected to the Cosmos.  As above, so below.  As within, so without!  We are not separate.


A person’s intention is what matters most.   It opens up a person’s possibilities and enables us to understand another person’s perspectives.  It makes us master psychologists.


Medical astrology enables us to see where the health problems are.


As Pluto enters Aquarius, we are at a time of profound changes.  As we expand, we join the divine matrix into a higher consciousness.


That what we focus on is going to manifest.  Energy goes where focus goes.  We are what we think, so it is vital to assess what you are thinking.   It is not about what we do not have but how to enjoy what we do have.

Learn More

I am passionate about sharing my healing and astrological insights in person and collaborating with several retreats in the coming months.  If you would like to be kept informed of upcoming events, please sign up for my newsletter.

Growing Passionately and Intuitively as an Artist


My childhood was spent mostly in Cornwall, England, a magical place that inspired me from day one!  Having spectacular views of the beautiful beach and sea from our home added to the inspiration and love of the sea and water.

I also spent much time with my beloved maternal grandmother on Hayling Island (opposite the Isle of Wight), another beautiful scenic area.  She had watercolor paintings in her home that captured my attention and spurred creativity.  Many wonderful hours were spent copying paintings that nurtured a passion.  While my grandmother did not paint, she would encourage my efforts by offering wise suggestions.

For many years, through recreating and connecting with the works of artistic masters, I developed an intuitive connection with divine wisdom.  It became a guided mentorship on a spiritual level.  While painting, I received downloads that led me to understand how to capture the brilliance of light.  The beauty of light and the expressiveness of light are deeply inspiring.  When painting portraits, the beauty of the essence of the person - as an aspect of their soul is what I strive to reflect.


Beauty inspires me in many ways, especially the beauty of the sea and landscapes.  I seek to capture how light interacts with the dynamic beauty of water and landscapes.

When I paint or photograph water, I facilitate my healing as it develops my empathy.  We cannot hope to heal our oceans and rivers without first healing ourselves.

Ignited Passion in Italy


My fascination for Italy began as a child when we went there for holidays.   When attending University in Italy, I fell in love with everything about the country – the language, the people, and the gorgeous landscapes.  So, in addition to studying philosophy and politics, I began painting the landscapes that inspired me, which further practice and an intuitive connection level allowed the energies of the location and the divine to express themselves through me onto canvas.

A friend arranged for me to have an artist booth along a canal in Venice.  The twenty works of art I created sold within fifteen minutes of being displayed, which increased my passion for art.

While at University in Italy, I visited friends attending renowned art schools where I witnessed great genius in students.  However, that genius seemed restricted by the rules of great artwork taught.  It allowed me to see that I was free of those restrictions, as what guides me is my intuitive connection.   So, I pursued a more unrestrictive path.