Masters of Health Magazine September 2023 | Page 10

It was never my intent to become a healer.  Rather, it came about through indulging my childlike curiosity, which instilled a sense of awe and wonder.  In turn, this fueled a passion to delve deeper to learn more.   When guided by curiosities and passions, one can produce great beauty.  It also allows oneself to grow naturally to discover their talents, abilities, and skills.

Discovering Vibrational Healing

At my English boarding school, I started life as a chorister.  Between ages 8 and 9, I had great fun gonging my fellow schoolmates under a church bell and was mesmerized by its sounds.  I found it interesting that gonging had positive effects on others. The other boys reported being happier and more content with improved sleep.  Thinking back, I realize that through playing and following gut instinct, I had my first experience with how vibration can positively affect the body, mind, and spirit.  Unbeknownst to me at the time, that is where my healing journey began.

Music has been a lifelong study.  In addition to being a chorister,  I was an organist and pianist at boarding school.  I played in concerts and performed vast repertoires, ranging from Noel Coward’s Mad Dogs and Englishman to Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen.

My Journey:

Healing, Astrology & Art

By George H. Lewis