Masters of Health Magazine September 2021 | Page 112

This definition includes:

i)                    You don't need to have a positive test to be counted as a case of COVID-19. Anyone with certain symptoms who has spent at least 15 minutes within 6 feet of "a probable case of COVID-19," OR  is a "member of an exposed risk cohort as defined by public health authorities during an outbreak or during high community transmission," and who does not have "a more likely diagnosis" is counted as a COVID-19 case.

ii)                   Any death certificate that lists COVID-19 "as an underlying cause of death or a significant condition contributing to death," with or without any laboratory evidence of COVID-19, is counted as a COVID-19 death. 

iii)                 The symptoms to be counted as a case of ‘COVID-19 disease’ include the acute onset or worsening of at least two of the listed symptoms or signs in this updated document. However, what is not mentioned in the document is that all the listed flu-like symptoms are caused by hundreds of other infectious and non-infectious agents, and no proof is required by the doctor to diagnose the symptoms as being caused by the SARSCOV-2 virus.

Traditional Vaccine Ingredients

by Dr. Judy Wilyman, PhD

Did you know that antibiotics are in most vaccines? Many people are allergic to antibiotics, and using any vaccine carries the serious risk of anaphylactic shock to this and many other vaccine ingredients. Are you being informed of this before you give consent to the vaccination of your baby or yourself?

Please consider whether you want the substances listed below injected into the tissues of your newborn infant before its body systems are fully developed.

These ingredients, and many more, are present in vaccines.  Plus, the vaccination schedule has expanded over 70 years, to include mandates for 16 vaccines in Australian Social Services policies, but not in any Health Act.

This allows the Australian Prime Minister to claim that vaccines are not compulsory even though social services programs and businesses can coerce parents with their jobs, childhood education, welfare benefits, and travel since January 2016. Parents must ‘choose’ between using a drug or having the capacity to live in society. Is this a real choice?

This policy has not been made mandatory in any Health Act in Australia because the Australian government has not provided any scientific evidence to validate mandatory vaccination as being for a legitimate public health purpose. If there is no health law to validate this policy, then governments are breaching all International Human Rights Covenants and medical ethics with ‘coercive’ vaccination in social services policies.

These policies remove parents right to welfare benefits, jobs, education, and travel. That is, they are losing their inalienable right to live in society without any scientific evidence being provided by the Australian government.

The 'new norm' in children's health since coercive vaccination policies were implemented in the 1990's include - allergies, anaphylaxis, Kawasaki's Disease (vasculitis), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), autoimmune disorders (diabetes, childhood rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis, multiple sclerosis etc.), thrombocytopenia purpura (ITP), autism, speech delay, neurological disorders, encephalopathy, meningitis, ADHD, cancers, and many more that have increased in direct correlation to the vaccination program - a plausible cause of this illness .