Masters of Health Magazine September 2021 | Page 111

However, even though she states that asymptomatic transmission is ‘very rare’, because the WHO doesn’t have any data to claim otherwise, she concludes that the WHO still advises that ‘some people without symptoms can still transmit the virus on.’

(CheckYourFact 2 December 2020)

The flaw in this WHO statement is that there is a difference between transmitting the virus and transmitting disease. Whilst the virus can be passed on from a sub-clinical infection this does not lead to disease in the majority of cases in countries with good public health infrastructure.

Infection only leads to disease when there are poor environmental conditions or poor host characteristics. Hence, asymptomatic people do not transmit disease in the population, they transmit infection that is mostly beneficial when good conditions exist: asymptomatic 'cases' generate natural herd immunity.

This is the reason why the WHO changed the definition of 'herd immunity' in December 2020. It was to claim that only vaccine created herd immunity would be successful with COVID19 disease. This was claimed without any risk-benefit data for the COVID19 vaccine: this drug had not been trialed in humans in December 2020.

The WHO changed this definition without providing any scientific evidence to support the claim that 'vaccines can create herd immunity' and without any scrutiny from the scientific community.  Therefore, the claim has not been validated and it has been done to support the WHO’s desired outcome; to make the world reliant on vaccines.

Viruses are around us all the time and we do not need to eradicate them to live without disease. This is because viruses on their own cannot cause disease: the cause of disease from infectious agents is multifactorial.

This is where the GAVI/ WHO partnerships have deceived the public in 2020. Scientists have known since 1950 that viruses mostly cause sub-clinical infections, that never develop disease symptoms, due to improvements in public health infrastructure and nutrition.

It is these sub-clinical infections that resulted in herd immunity in the population of developed countries by 1950/60. This led public health officials to claim that ‘infectious deaths fell before widespread vaccination was implemented’ (Fiona Stanley, Australian of the Year for Public Health, 2003).

Even smallpox was not controlled until after 1950 when isolation of cases with symptoms, and case-tracing strategies played a significant role in the decline of this disease.

The fraudulent claims that are being made by the WHO are effectively manipulating public behavior because the corporate-sponsored mainstream media and big tech companies are working together to censor public debate. (Over 70% of media advertising comes from the pharma industry.)

If this was a conspiracy theory, as the mainstream media would like you to believe, I would have hoped that the industry-lobby groups who petitioned to have my PhD removed in 2016 - after it was published on the University website – were successful. But they were not.

The University stood by this thesis because it provided the evidence to support the fact that global health policy is being designed by a collaboration of industry-partners. This is also supported by the extreme censorship of many doctors, scientists, and activists providing this evidence to you in 2021.  

Science is only validated when it stands up to scrutiny from the community, so human health is at serious risk until we have this scientific debate. The proof that no virus is required to diagnose a ‘case’ of COVID disease is provided in the recently updated standardized surveillance case-definition of COVID19 disease (2021).