Masters of Health Magazine September 2019 | Page 20

Winning the War on PTSD:

Magnesium Miracles

In this month's article, I would like to share how the Energetic System Upgrade came about.

About a year ago, I began sensing that I was meant to expand my work as a doctor and healer. For my entire life, I’ve been tuning into my patients’ bodies, minds, and souls to uncover the source of their emotional, physical and/or spiritual blockages and set them free.

For years, I’ve been researching and perfecting communication techniques that regulate the bio-chemical imbalances that cause and aggravate relationship discord. And, I’ve also been recommending oral magnesium to my patients in order to calm their nervous systems. But, when I discovered Elektra trans-dermal magnesium and its ability to reboot the electrical circuits in the cells, brain and body, I realized that I was meant to incorporate the trans-dermal magnesium into my new method. And voila! The Energetic System Upgrade was fully born.

The next step in launching the Energetic System Upgrade was to offer a live workshop at 1440 Multiversity, which just happened.

I entered the workshop at 1440 with the intention to help my participants heal any residual emotional, physical or psychological Old Scars and sticking points. As I’ve said previously, many of us suffer a degree of PTSD as a result of the traumas (what I call the ‘Old Scars’) that we suffered in our first families. These ‘Old Scars’ create aftershocks that reverberate into our adult relationships, as we unconsciously recreate and relive our unfinished business with those closest to us, in an attempt to heal. Unfortunately, the result of our recreations is a vicious cycle of greater chemical and emotional imbalance, which leads to more relationship discord, chemical imbalance, and so on.

My plan, as always, was to help the participants uncover and uproot any spiritual, physical, emotional and/or psychological weeds that were preventing them from completely blossoming in life and love.

Wow, did my hopes and dreams for my participants get answered in spades. What a resounding success the workshop was!

I recognized a woman in the lobby, but I couldn't place her. I briefly wondered if she’d attended my workshop at Rythmia Costa Rica. She reminded me that two years ago she'd flown from LA to Millbrook, New York, to see me in person for a Grief Relief session. She’d flown back the same day and I’d never heard from her again. Consequently, I never knew the result of that session.

She told me in the lobby that the session lifted a lifetime of grief, and changed her life. She's since become a trauma coach. And, she said that when she heard I was launching the Energetic System Upgrade, she had to come and experience more miracles with me.

As we began the workshop, I asked the participants to think of a deep wound that they've never dared discuss with another person. Two of the participants were best friends. One said to the other that she should be the first to do the exercise. The woman who did the exercise (I’ll call her Jane) said that she's talked about all her issues before and she’s not solved them. I told her that she likely hasn't accessed the emotional core of her issue, which I will help her to do. And she hasn't used trans-dermal magnesium.

So, I asked Jane to sit next to me.