Masters of Health Magazine October 2024 | Page 62



Are you taking any recreational drugs or medications? 


If so, work with a knowledgeable health-conscious practitioner to address the causes of your ailments, replace the deficiencies, and correct imbalances so that you can wean off the drugs.  Be it legal or illegal, ALL drugs have side effects.  Plus, medications are getting into our water supplies, which presents dangerous consequences for everyone.




Is the Feng Shui, Sthapatya Veda, or Vaastu Shastra of your home/work environment harmonious?  (For information about this, see the links below)


Is the air in your home/office/school clean, well-circulated, and enriched with negative (beneficial) ions? 


Are you or your children inhaling toxic fumes from plastic toys, furniture, or synthetic materials (e.g., building materials, curtains, carpets, new cars, plastic toys, etc.)?


What kind of lighting are you exposed to?  Is it full-spectrum or distorted light waves? 


When the sun goes down, use Hooga Amber Light Bulbs (1600K), which block out the blue light and enable your body to produce melatonin for a better night’s sleep.  Lohas Amber Dimmable Night Lights are great for bathrooms and hallways.


What kind of architecture and designs are you surrounded with? 


Do you live near a telephone tower, electrical relay, or broadcast transmitter?


What kind of EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) are you and your children exposed to in your home, school, or office?  


If you are using wifi, go back to ethernet wires.  Or at least turn the router off when not in use and every night.  No excuses justify the risks involved.  Free your bedroom of EMFs, especially the area around your bed.  Contact EMF Solutions to check your home and about devices that remediate the dirty electricity. 


What colors have you chosen for your interior decor and clothes? 

Every color gives off a different vibration that can affect your mood, health, and well-being. 


Do you use healthy essential oils or harmful synthetic perfumes? 


What kind of music do you listen to?   Various musical frequencies can have a powerful healing effect on the body.


Everything produces frequencies, including music, sound, light, colors, design, architecture, building materials, TVs, computers, cell/portable phones, and other electrical devices.  Various frequencies are beneficial, and some are very detrimental.


Learn about the beneficial frequencies of essential oils, music, sound, light, and architecture.  Once you have answered and researched all these questions, make the necessary changes for a healthier environment.  Clear the clutter and create a beautiful, clean, peaceful space in harmony with the Laws of Nature. 

Create gardens for beauty, bee pollinators, birds, and organic food.  If you have a yard, grow fruit trees.  Herbs, greens, and flowers can be grown in small pots on a veranda or patio.  Nature is very healing.  It also provides an affordable way to beautify your home and improve your health.



Is the environment in your workplace healthy, or is profit the only interest?


Take a good look at where you work and the kind of work you do.  Check the air quality, building biology, chemical exposure, EMFs, and lighting.  These factors have a significant impact on your health and well-being.  Home and smaller offices are easier to improve.  Just changing the type of lighting in your office can preserve your eyesight and reduce your stress level significantly. 


Does your business or work exploit or harm others, or does it contribute to their well-being? 


Do you produce, sell, or buy products that pollute the environment or cause ill health? 


Working for yourself will provide more control over your work environment and business and its impact on others.


Are you a robot of the system, or are you a leader who thinks about creating a healthier, more socially just, better world?



Are you a sucker for advertisers and corporate greed, or do you support products that are: Conducive to good health, environmentally friendly, & nourishing to the senses?

Are you kind, considerate, and respectful of others?


Stop and think about what you spend your money on, where you shop, the kind of people or business behind the products you buy, and how to make good use of your economic power.  Supporting local small, ethical businesses and organic agriculture helps to maintain high standards, free enterprise, and real competition over the long term.  Don’t be duped by large, unethical corporations that initially attract consumers with bargain prices so that they can put their smaller competitors out of business.  As we all have seen, when these corporate raiders become monopolies or duopolies, consumers end up with fewer or no options and higher prices.  A few good examples are phone/TV/cable service providers, airlines, utility providers, chain supermarkets, etc. 


Be it public or government-controlled, monopolies and duopolies are bad for consumers.  Prevention is a much better approach than trying to remedy a problem after it occurs.  Thus,  when people unite and use their economic power to boycott a corporate monster, it has a powerful effect, forcing a business to change its wicked ways or close down. 

Every little thing makes a big difference.  Imagine how quickly the pharmaceutical industry would improve its ethics and be held accountable or closed down if everyone stopped buying/taking drugs!  Imagine how much more peaceful and uplifted the world would be if citizens demanded accountability from elected leaders/Reps/MP/Senators for their out-of-control spending, an end to bogus foreign aid and foreign military bases, and an end to WMD contracts under the guise of security! 

There would be far less financial stress on everyone, lower taxes, much better/healthier infrastructure, educational opportunities, real health care, and social security (pensions) for seniors.  Having a social consciousness is not a bad thing, and it doesn’t mean you have to give up life’s comforts or liberties. 

It would be quite the opposite.  For all the unhealthy habits/products you give up, you will find many other healthier delights, and freedom and liberty will prevail.