Masters of Health Magazine October 2024 | Page 61

Inner & Outer Environments

by Lady Carla Davis, MPH

Specializing in Nutrition

GEP Minister for Environment

The disharmony of our modern-day environment is having a strong impact on just about everyone.  Far too many people, including children, are chronically ill and distressed.  Because of this, millions of people are resorting to drugs and prescription medications to survive.  Adding insult to injury is the constant bombardment of media misinformation designed to socially engineer or program the masses, sell drugs, and instill fear to justify unending wars and the theft of trillions of our tax dollars.  Many people often ask....”What can we do as individuals?  Where do we begin in the chaotic, warring, polluted world we live in that is controlled by powerful greedy corporations, special interest cabals, and bureaucratic, ‘bought’ governments?”


Along with HH Swami Isa of the Global Energy Parliament, I have pondered over these questions for quite some time and concluded that all is not lost!  The solution lies within each of us individually, one by one!  To regain control of our lives, instill peace, and improve our outer environment, we must first change our inner environment and use our economic power.  Only then will the world around us begin to change for the better. 


You can start by answering the following questions honestly, thinking clearly, and being proactive!



Are you living and eating consciously or by a programmed habit?  

 Take a good look at how well you nourish yourself and your children physically, emotionally, and mentally.  Does what you eat, drink, and feed your family nourish and promote healthy growth and development, or break them down?  What kind of water are you drinking?  Is it pure, well-structured, and hydrating?  Or is it full of chemicals and medications?  Since the human body is 70-80% water, if you do nothing else, ensure that you and your children always have pure, well-structured water, free of all chemicals (fluoride, medications, etc.) and impurities. 


What are your addictions? 


Instead of eating to satisfy your additions, get smart!  Consume wholesome, real food that nourishes your body and mind.  Select nourishing, unadulterated foods beneficial for your blood type and genetics.  Remember that the gut (microbiota) is the body’s second brain.  AVOID processed junk foods that contain refined sugar/carbs; damaged fats and oils; MSG and other addictive flavor enhancers; cryolite, glyphosate, atrazine, and other herbicides, pesticides, and agriculture chemicals found in non-organic foods; BPA, PCBs and other cancer-causing, endocrine disruptors found in plastics and some foods; GMOs; carbonated drinks; caffeine and other stimulating drugs; and food/drinks/water contaminated with fluoride (a thyroid suppressor and neurotoxin).  Read the small ingredients section of everything you buy.  AVOID or keep alcohol to a minimum.  It is an addictive, refined carb that robs nutrients and rapidly ages the body.  It is also a depressant drug.  Go organic, and even then, be vigilant. 

For a good guide, go to