Masters of Health Magazine October 2022 | Page 43

If we practice regularly, anxiety is considerably diminished or eliminated.

Qi Gong as a Tool of Inner Harmony


Developing self-awareness regarding both intrinsic and extrinsic factors, comprehending how they influence us, and, figuring out how to achieve and maintain balance are all goals of Qi Gong practice. There is a matrix of variables that influence each moment (whether external or internal). Our efforts can be focused on achieving balance, or we can choose to remain unaware and watch as our imbalances worsen until we become ill. The goal of Qi Gong is to harmonize the Yin and Yang forces that reside within us. Once we have attained balance, we cannot indulge in excessive jubilation for very long because we know that every circumstance, even one that is balanced, will eventually alter.

As a result, for those of us who practice Qi Gong, reaching a state of balance is a journey and a way of life rather than a single event.


Anxiety and fog are somewhat related. Outside or inside of us, there is fog that prevents us from seeing. It is a mental and emotional state that prevents us from advancing in life. We experience a sort of energy stagnation that prevents us from making decisions.


Qi Gong teaches us how to control the flow of throughout our bodies. The benefit is that we are not compelled to use logic. We don’t have to comprehend or believe in the process. To feel the results, all we need to do is repeat a specific routine and undergo the experience.

Applying Martial Arts Stances to Ground Ourselves


Numerous healing modalities have contributed to the widespread acceptance of the grounding effect. 

 Why do we need to ground ourselves? It is common knowledge that being in the mind separates us from our body. If this process is not addressed, it will lead to chronic overthinking. It will be very challenging to get into the body once we develop this habit.


The kidney meridian is the only one that begins in the soles of our feet. We connect with the energy of the Earth by pressing with all our weight into those points. Barefoot practice is significantly more effective.


By maintaining a balancing stance, such as Zhan Zhuang, we can harmonize our left and right sides of the physical body, or the yin and yang sets of meridians.

A harmonious emotional and mental state can be achieved by remaining in this posture for a substantial amount of time (at least 10 minutes).




Zhan Zhuang posture explained