Masters of Health Magazine October 2022 | Page 122

The Moon Fork - Sleep, Movement & Manifesting

Vowel Sound



H  (ah)


Pronouncing A allows negativity to be released. Lock negativity out with the sound of the M, which has a purifying effect on the blood


Diminishes stress,[1] helps

secrete hormones to regulate harmonious functioning

Impacts Area of the Body


Resonates with the genital organs and related muscles and veins.

Resonates mouth and the front of the face, inhale oxygen while humming it.

This sound vibrates the tongue and the front of the palate, affecting the brain.

Laughter includes this sound.

[1]  Acharya, Shriram Sharma. Eternity of Sound and the Science of Mantras, Shantikunj, Haridwar: India,  2003, Pg. 24-25. Sharm.