Masters of Health Magazine October 2022 | Page 121



A creative power,

a loud repetition helps regulate the pumping of blood

Repetitions  diminish the symptoms of asthma and chronic cough

Diminishes the effects of chronic headache, cardiac problems, depression and short tempers


Helps reduces belly weight and helps loosen constipation

Rhythmic repetitions strengthen soft membranes inside the vocal cord,  useful for singers and speakers to allow prolonged use of the voice, helps with renal issues

Stimulates the center of the chest, helping to loosen pneumonia and pleurisy energy

Pronouncing A allows negativity to be released. Lock negativity out with the sound of the M, which has a purifying effect on the blood


Diminishes stress,[1] helps

secrete hormones to regulate harmonious functioning

Benefits of Vowel Sounds

By Jill Mattson, Musician

Shriram Sharma Acarya notes that a sound has a chemical and psychological significance. 

Each vowel and consonant has a unique effect on the body. The following information from Eternity of Sounds and the Science of the Mantra by Shriram Sharma Acharya describes benefits and areas resonated by vowels.


Benefits of Vowel Sounds 

Impacts Area of the Body


Subtly affects the heart by supporting the pumping action

Affects the chest and the upper parts of the lunges. It strengthens the upper ribs, helps clean the digestive canal and energize the mind.

Stretched pronunciation positively affects the throat, the throat's connection to the brain, upper chambers of the heart, cleans respiratory tract and intestines.

Impacts the organs in the middle and lower parts of the body such as the liver, stomach and lower intestines.

Impacts the kidney, the connection point of the throat and the respiratory tract.

Resonates with the genital organs and related muscles and veins.

Resonates mouth and the front of the face, inhale oxygen while humming it.

This sound vibrates the tongue and the front of the palate, affecting the brain.

Laughter includes this sound.

Vowel Sound


A   (short a)

A   (long a)

I   (long i)

U   (long u)

E   (ai)

O   (au)


H  (ah)