The gene editing we are referring to, creates entirely new microbes that were not products of evolution. Their unique DNA sequences can spawn changes in the microbiome that can damage health or collapse ecosystems. Moreover, GM microbes released anywhere may travel the world, mutate, and exchange genes with countless other types of microbes. They are untraceable, unrecallable, and may influence global microbiomes in unpredictable ways. Once the gene is out of the lab, there is no way to undo the damage.
Gene editing is now widely available and virtually unregulated. From DIY kits sold on Amazon, to home labs, to gene editing robots driven by artificial intelligence, the number of GM microbes released over the next generation may be in the millions. Each release multiplies the probability of disaster.
Fortunately, an emerging global movement addresses this new threat. Introduced by the Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT), Protect Nature Now (PNN) is raising public awareness, generating political urgency around regulations, and building global opposition to the release of gene edited microbes. It will also link up with other groups as everything is connected.
Protect Nature Now does not seek to ban contained (indoor) use of GM microbes, except in the case of “gain-of-function” experiments. This highly controversial research enhances dangerous pathogens to the point where, if they escaped, they could create deadly new pandemics. The film describes one such experiment, which created an airborne version of a flu virus that is up to 24 times more deadly than COVID 19.
After watching the film, it is vital that we all help support Protect Nature Now in what ever capacity we can — (donate here) and for those who can afford it, making a monthly donation will help pass national and international laws and safeguard all living beings, along with future generations.
Protect Nature Now crafts the message so that existing networks, industries, and movements can take it as their own and mobilize to get the word out. The environmental movement provides an excellent example. Regenerative Agriculture provides a natural system to recycle excess atmospheric elements back into the soil. This requires a healthy soil microbiome.
When leaders in Regenerative Agriculture learned about Protect Nature Now, they immediately jumped on board and are now finding ways to support the movement.
With your help, Protect Nature Now can create the full array of materials needed to educate and empower many different organizations and movements around the world. Automatic monthly donations provide the financial stability to hire staff, create new assets, etc.
Also, please share the film with your social media network, family, and friends, so that everyone can learn about and support this world-saving endeavor. Please Donate.
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Over twenty-two years ago, I joined with Laura Geeslin (formerly, Laura Ticciati), Director of Mother’s For Natural Law, (a branch of the Natural Law Party) to help get signatures for their petition and educate the public about the dangers of GMOs. Back then, the average consumer knew nothing about GMOs. While we have made much progress, there is still more we need to do as this powerful industry and their GMO technology advances into our food supply. For the industry, it is all about control of our food supply and profits from what they control. This technology has nothing to do with feeding the world, agriculture biodiversity or food security, or our health and well-being and that of future generations. The Protect Nature Now, campaign exposes the dangers of gene editing microbes and provides the path forward with solutions.