Masters of Health Magazine October 2021 | Page 55

by Lady Carla Davis, MPH

Specializing in Nutrition

Gene Editing Microbes

A new existential threat that demands immediate action is the editing of microbes and gain-of-function technology.  For decades this technology has been carried out in secrecy with unlimited funding  from our taxes. There is little if any transparency or checks and balances.  Because of the complexity of this technology, most people don’t have a clue about what is being done or its consequences.  Worse, few if any, members of Congress or Parliaments around the world have much knowledge or concept about this technology and its consequences.  Yet, they keep funding billions of our tax dollars for these dark and deadly projects under the guise of public health or national security, when in fact, this mad science has nothing to do with either!  Is anyone even asking who benefits and what is at risk? 


How many people today recall the headlines that  proclaimed, “A Biological Apocalypse Averted,” “How One GMO Nearly Took Down the Planet,” and “How a Biotech Company Almost Killed the World.”  If you missed this near cataclysm you’re not alone.  It took place about 30 years ago, but was quickly covered up and denied by the biotech industry, using tactics we are now all familiar with.


The severity of this nearly tragic event, however, is brilliantly revealed in the award-winning 16-minute film   Don’t Let the Gene Out of the Bottle, by Jeffrey Smith, a former Masters of Health “Person of the Year."

His short movie documents genetically modified (GM) microbes that might have wiped out terrestrial plant life, changed weather patterns, and decimated the population. Its most sobering revelation is the threat from new gene editing technology.  In fact this cheap and easy method for creating GM microbes can put the world and humanity on a crash course with disaster—unless something is done very soon to bring it to the light, demand transparency, and reign it in with checks and balances. 

Education is a good place to start.  To learn more, go to  In addition, governments need to divert that funding to support real public health and protect our planet, its eco system, humanity, and future generations.

Our collective vulnerability lies in the microbiome; the microbial ecosystem within and around us.  More than 50,000 studies conducted over the last 5 years confirm that microbes living inside our bodies are foundational to our health.  The composition and balance of our microbial community can dictate whether we are thriving or diseased, fit or overweight, even calm or anxious.  Our species co-evolved with the microbiome, and we outsource countless daily functions to these tiny organisms. 

The same is true for the environment where the microbiome plays a critical role in the health of soil, forests, oceans, even the atmosphere.  Our inner and outer environments are inseparable!