Masters of Health Magazine November 2021 | Page 28

As a consequence of consuming processed junk food, our bodies have been harmed and developed all kinds of chronic, degenerative, and infectious diseases where modern medicine seems totally disarmed to overcome. Diseases of Civilization, as we call them, have dangerously increased after WWII because of food industrialization that had started just after that time.

Today, if someone is not sufficiently aware about the food quality needed to maintain a normal health condition, it’s because during the past 50 years our food has suffered considerable transformation by large corporations and high pressure advertising.

This is not to mention the quantity of toxic chemicals that enter into industrial food processing. Many foods on the market contain carcinogenic substances, yet people buy them routinely looking for a cheaper price.


For too long we have relied on the medical doctrine that considers drugs as the only medicine because it is controlled by the powerful pharmaceutical industry.  However, we now know that drugs are no longer the answer. If we look around us, disease exists everywhere.

Why? Because we live in an industrialized world that produces industrially transformed food, where we have forgotten that natural, wholesome food can keep us healthy or get us well. Today, globally speaking, Western food style is based upon approximately 75% industrialized food and 25% natural food, which explains the sick world we live in. However, natural, wholesome food in place of medicine has been used since the beginning of time until the past century. This has been documented since the late XIX century by European and later Early American pioneers.

This was not new to me as I had become acquainted with the therapeutic value of organic food, when in 1962, while living in Los Angeles, I met Dr. Bernard Jensen.  Having started his practice in 1924, he is recognized as one of the greatest nutritionists of the past century. Dr. Jensen invited me to his Hidden Valley Health Ranch, located in the hills of Escondido, CA, where he also developed organic agriculture to be used as the daily food diet for his patients.

Figure 2: Food Nourishes. Colored vegetables are a rich source of, anticancer agents such as polyphenols, flavonoids, and anthocyanins.