Masters of Health Magazine June 2022 | Page 73

Dietary Basics - Part 2



Dietary basics such as fresh air, full-spectrum daylight and sunshine, pure water, quality protein, EFAs in balance, complex carbohydrates, enzymes, minerals, and vitamins are necessary for survival.  Though not dietary, human contact, earthing, and connecting with nature are vital for wellbeing and longevity.  In addition, children, teenagers, pregnant women, male/female adults, or seniors have different nutritional requirements.


Children or teenagers require a diet that promotes healthy growth and development. It should include EFAs in balance, especially omega 3 and DHA, quality animal protein, mineral-rich foods, natural vitamins A, pure water, and plenty of natural daylight and sunshine vitamin D.  For optimum growth, development, and mental health, children and teenagers must AVOID refined sugar and carbohydrates, damaged fats/oils, junk foods, fluoride, sodas, and GMOs.  READ my articles Light-A Vital Nutrient and Know Your Fats and Oils, Sweet Treat Addiction: The Scourge of Sugar in Masters of Health magazine, Aug, Oct, Dec 2017. Also at Nourishing Basics on the Nutrition page.  Plus, READ Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A. Price, DDS, What’s Making Our Children Sick? by Vincanne Adams, PhD and Michelle Perro, MD, and Toxic Legacy  by  Dr. Stephanie Seneff, PhD.


Young women of child-bearing age and pregnant women require a well-balanced, nourishing diet that includes: high-quality protein; EFAs in balance; iodine, selenium, zinc, magnesium, natural iron (from food), and other minerals; fiber; probiotics; prebiotics; and vital nutrients such as methyl folate, vitamins A, C, E, K, B12, B complex, and sunshine vitamin D, and pure water.  Taking a poor-quality synthetic prenatal supplement with synthetic iron creates a vitamin E deficiency, which often contributes to premature birth and jaundice in the new-born.  Applying natural vitamin E to the breast while nursing will rid the baby of jaundice. 


In addition to environmental endocrine disruptors (pollutants), a vitamin E deficiency can also cause defects in the sex pattern development of the brain.  For example, the brain may be female, but the body male, or vice versa. Also, fluoride, a neurotoxin and endocrine disruptor, lowers a baby’s IQ.


A vegetarian diet (vegan in particular) can be dangerous for both a mother and her unborn child if not carefully balanced.  A B12, folate (folic acid is the synthetic form), or iodine deficiency can cause birth-defects, such as spina bifida and Down’s syndrome.


EFAs in balance are vital for a baby’s brain and nerve development.  Diets deficient in these nutrients deprive a baby of its proper brain and nerve development.  To prevent fetal alcohol syndrome and other birth-defects, women of child-bearing age and pregnant women should AVOID caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.   They should also AVOID consuming processed foods, GMOs, and seafood high in micro-plastics, mercury, and other toxic metals.

To produce healthy sperm and children, men should also nourish themselves and AVOID polluting their bodies with caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. 

by Lady Carla Davis, MPH

Specializing in Nutrition