Masters of Health Magazine July 2019 | Page 8

My family history is significant for heart disease. In fact, my dear mother at age 52 struggled for years and underwent cardiac bypass surgery… and it was even more strugtgles from there. Well, that’s my age now! The small things we do can have huge impacts.

For background, more than 150 hormones run through your body. They act as chemical messengers, orchestrating an intricate symphony of messages telling your organs what your brain wants them to do. Hormones are really exciting because they influence many bodily functions, and one of them is aging.

So what are the “youth hormones” I talk about in The Hormone Fix?

Here’s a brief look at five of the most common:

Insulin. Along with cortisol and oxytocin, insulin is one of your master hormones. When all three are at normal levels, other hormones in your body fall into line too. Insulin, by itself, is a youth hormone when in balance. High levels of insulin from eating too much sugary can speed up wrinkling of the skin – the biggest sign of premature aging. Simply stop indulging in these foods, and you’ll help prevent your skin from wrinkling.

Oxytocin. My favorite hormone, oxytocin is the hormone of love, bonding, and connection, released during sex, orgasms, cuddling, and childbirth. The reason this wonderful hormone is anti-aging is that it increases cellular regeneration and health, plus prevents germs from invading cells. It also counters the surge of cortisol – a pro-aging hormone. In excess levels, cortisol ages our skin cells by damaging collagen, one of the proteins that keeps our skin firm. Too much cortisol is public enemy number-one when it comes to dull, thin, and sagging skin.

DHEA. Created by the adrenal glands, DHEA is transformed into estrogen and testosterone. It’s produced naturally in large quantities up until the age of 30, but then drops like a rock. By age 70, we synthesize only about 10 percent to 20 percent of our youthful levels of DHEA. Optimal levels are associated with protection against cardiovascular disease and cancer, decreased risk of osteoporosis, healthier bones and immune system, better memory, and better sexual function. DHEA also increases the production of collagen, making your skin appear smoother and younger looking.

Estrogen. Produced by the ovaries, estrogen is our chief female hormone. It plays an important role in postponing age-related diseases, such as heart disease and osteoporosis. As estrogen dips, less collagen and elastin (the skin-firming proteins) are produced, and wrinkles set in. Estrogen also helps skin stay moist by boosting hyaluronic acid. Simple dietary changes can also help support youthful estrogen levels. For example: Eating vegetables like broccoli and Brussels sprouts —they contain indols, compounds that are essential to healthy estrogen balance.

How To Turn On Your

Youth Hormones

As I neared age 50, I decided that I was going to feel and look the absolute best I ever had. Afterall, I am raising a young daughter and there is so much fun yet to be had! How about you? Would you like to feel younger again? Would you like to be the very best version of yourself?

With most women, it’s a matter of correcting hormonal imbalances as we get older. In my new book, The Hormone Fix, I show you how to have more control over aging that you ever imagined – simply by turning on your “youth hormones” and doing it naturally.