to cell receptors that regulate genetic function.
Children who are denied these benefits during the 9 months in the womb and the first two years of life will need far more support and health care throughout their lives. Forcing new mothers back to work and placing a child into day care before a child is two years old does permanent damage and actually costs society a lot more over the long-term.
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After birth, a healthy woman produces prolactin and oxytocin to help breast feed her baby. The initial milk is called colostrum, which is high in the immunoglobulin IgA that coats the gastrointestinal tract. This helps to protect a newborn until its own immune system is properly functioning. It also acts as a mild laxative to expel meconium and helps to prevent a buildup of bilirubin (contributing to jaundice).
A polluted environment, which can include the average home, is full of chemical endocrine disruptors that can influence the endocrine system and alter hormonal functions. Endocrine disruptors can mimic naturally occurring hormones in the body, such as estrogens (female sex hormone), androgens (male sex hormone), and thyroid hormones. Hormones strongly influence a person’s mood, behavior, physical appearance, and sense of well being.
A hormonal imbalance can have a disastrous impact on a growing child, teenager, or adult, and during menopause. Endocrine disruptors can also produce adverse developmental, reproductive, neurological, and immune system damage. Endocrine disruptors include heavy metals, chemicals such as fluoride, synthetic estrogens (e.g. DES), dioxin, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), DDT and other pesticides, glyphosate and other herbicides, agriculture chemicals, plastics such as bisphenol A (BPA) and formaldehyde, plastic bottles and containers, metal food cans, detergents, cleaning products, flame retardants, food additives, phytoestrogens (soy derived), toys, toiletries, and cosmetics.
Endocrine disruptors pose the greatest risk during prenatal and early postnatal development when organ and neural systems are forming. When endocrine disruptors bind to receptors in the cells, they block the endogenous hormone from binding, which in turn causes a failure of normal signals.
When receptors fail, natural hormones fail to be made or controlled and their metabolism in the liver is altered. It is no wonder why so many young people are being born with gender related birth defects and millions of people are suffering from depression, anxiety, and mental illness. Both genders at all ages are harmed by endocrine disruptors.
Hormonal imbalances are often mistaken for depression and mental illness and wrongly prescribed drugs to mask the symptoms. Sadly, these issues are not being properly addressed because of powerful industry influence in the media, governments, and the very regulatory agencies that are supposed to protect consumers. Hence, iatrogenesis is now the second leading cause of death in the western world. And, prescribing of drugs remains big business, in spite of the fact that the pharmaceutical industry is the most heavily sued industry for fraud and harm!
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