Masters of Health Magazine January 2023 | Page 39


First of all, not only your body but mitochondria need to activate the mechanism of ATP from many nutrients such as B1, B2, B3, B5, A, C, E, zinc, magnesium, selenium, and enzymes from wholesome, organic food.  Some foods contain oxygen, such as all green vegetables, fruits, seeds, and carbohydrates. Protein contains 20 to 50 percent oxygen, depending on the specific amino acid profile.


Modern industrial food contributes to cellular oxygen deficiency, which is not usually in nutrition books. When you eat damaged fat, it attracts oxygen that, in turn, generates free radicals and decreases oxygen levels in the blood. For instance, fried foods are a source of bad fat that increases the risk of cardiovascular disorders, arteriosclerosis, and even brain damage. Consume four to six different vegetables per day and include two greens.(Use them in one cup of combined vegetable juices cocktail drink daily)


Eat two to four different fruits per day.


Eat one portion of protein per day. (Tofu, fish, miso, natto, white meat such chicken or turkey, millet, algae, non-fat cheese, eggs.  Depending on your age and work, you can have two portions of protein per day.  Fresh farm eggs are a top-brain food. 

(Editor’s Note: Also, organic or grass-fed animal protein suitable for your blood type)


Eat one portion of whole cereal such as barley (Editor’s note: Not suitable for gluten-free diets), red quinoa, oat, buckwheat, whole bran rice, black rice, red rice, black rice spaghetti, or buckwheat spaghetti (Soba).  Also, include legumes such as split peas, chickpeas, or lentils.   

(Editor’s Note: Use organic, gluten-free grains or legumes for your blood type)


Seaweed is also beneficial since it contains protein, high levels of iodine, minerals, vitamins, and anti-cancer compounds.

 Include foods that are rich in omega-3, such as walnuts. Ten walnuts help to keep your brain active. Red and blue fruits like strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries are rich in antioxidants for the brain. Consume them when in season and only organic since hormones and insecticides are in industrial strawberries grown all year round.


Fibers such as ground linseed/flaxseed, nuts, and various other gluten-free grains in breakfast cereals, are beneficial for your intestinal tract.  Microbiome, food for your gut includes goat milk or Greek yogurt, buttermilk, whey, kombucha, fermented food such as sauerkraut, and fermented organic vegetable juices.  (Editor’s Note: Some people do not digest dairy well)


Best anti-aging foods

Broccoli, avocado, pumpkin, nuts, red pepper, yellow peppers, cabbage, watercress, carrots, pomegranate, papaya, red onions, black rice, grapes, fatty fish, seaweed, virgin walnut oil, red beets, garlic, fermented garlic, black garlic, and organic Concord grape juice are excellent. Studies have shown that broccoli compound (sulforaphane) may boost cognitive functions and mood in older adults. 

(Editor’s Note: Avoid grapes sprayed with cryolite as it contains fluoride).


Here are my favorite vegetables: broccoli, red onions, mushroom, black radish, cucumber, olives, red and yellow peppers, artichoke, eggplant, sauerkraut, and all fermented vegetables with high properties to stimulate the microbiome. All types of vegetables supply you with vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and other compounds that your body, including the mitochondria, needs.


Supplementations can help keep you healthier and decrease or reverse some abnormal aging, physical, or neurodegenerative diseases, including AD.  Curcumin is a good example.