Beyond the scientific aspect though, the most interesting statistic for me was to hear that 80 percent of people who purchase a QiOne end up buying a second one or even more for their loved ones within a year, and some purchase the QiHome which changes the energy of the entire home (despite its ~$4.5k price tag).
Even though it may be hard to put into words, it creates a well being and field that is both very enjoyable and beneficial.
So, is there any downside to wearing a
QiOne ®?
Yes.. to me it’s highly irresistible and it has become hard being without one!
As much as I enjoyed other technologies, I had no issue letting them go.
But when I tried to lend my QiOne ® I so missed it I had to get it back within minutes.
Disclaimer: I am not a scientist and what I am sharing is coming from my own experience
Qi Blanco has a website if you are interested to understand more scientifically how it works to protect and enhance the body functions or simply want to purchase one for yourself or your loved ones.
With much love
For all those who want
to take the next step