Masters of Health Magazine December 2023 | Page 84

When the quality of these three energies is balanced, they result in sustainable productivity, happiness, and peace. 


The I-Particle has a Toroid shape and is electrically polarized.



Science has many branches, such as agriculture, architecture, biochemistry, education, medicine, nutrition, physics, music, etc.  The I-Theory science provides solutions for each of them. 


Each session of the GEP is dedicated to a different topic to demonstrate the range of knowledge inside the I-Theory and the breadth of problems it can solve.  Swami Isa and physicist Dr. Christophe Dumas published articles on these topics in various journals.

The GEP Research Centre is working on the theoretical aspects of the I-Theory and its applications in Renewable Energy, Education, Healthcare, and Well-being.  It also holds a few patents for its technologies.


Science plays a vital role in the environment.  For example, GEP 2016: Habitat Harmony focused on creating a sustainable, harmonious habitat for billions of humans and all the other inhabitants, including plant species.  Nature balances and harmonizes to enable many species to co-exist in a mutually beneficial ecosystem.  When unbalanced in any way, the survival of the entire system is at stake. 


Applying the I-Theory provides solutions for balancing yourself with your environment, home, community, and the natural world we all share. 

For articles, books, videos, and courses:

For research:

Faith is complete trust and confidence in someone or something.  It can also mean a strong belief in God and the religious or non-religious doctrines of spiritual comprehension.  Faith is a powerful motivator and healer that goes beyond the physical realm. 


Maintaining faith in the Laws of Nature and your consciousness (i.e., spirituality) creates a better understanding of the science and the I-Theory

One becomes more humane and productive when one realizes there is no dichotomy between the outer objective world and our inner subjective world.

At the GEP 2016 Habitat Harmony, Shri Lanka, His Holiness Swami Isa said, Without knowing what it means to be human, without knowing the science of energy flows in habitat, we cannot achieve any lasting harmony—in home, society, nation, or world. Today, this is our work.”


The spirit of the GEP synchronizes with the scientific evidence for global solutions and collaborations from all sectors to formulate policy suggestions for achieving harmony. Can Spirit be Measured?…SEE  The 1 Field,

a film by Tsipi Raz, with Greg Braden and Dr. Konstantin Korotkov.


Explore the GEP Bills to learn more and how you can add your support to help make our environment a better, more peaceful, happier place!