Masters of Health Magazine December 2023 | Page 83

 Science & Faith

by Lady Carla Davis, MPH

Specializing in Nutrition

GEP Minister for Environment

Presented at the GEP 2023, Kolkata, India

Science is the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained. 


So when someone says the science is settled and refuses to allow any discussion on the topic or tries to censor any question or mention of something that differs from the narrative, that person reveals their ignorance or a lack of integrity.


When you want to learn about science, Nature is the best guide.  The Laws of Nature have evolved over millions of years to perfect and balance every ecosystem — Be it the Universe, Nature’s biodiversity, bodies of water, rainforests and jungles, flora, fauna, birdlife, the human body, or the tiniest cell.  There is synergy between everything in the cosmos.  And the combined effect of this harmonious synergy is greater than the sum of their separate effect.  This synergy has sustained life on our planet for billions of years.  Whatever deviates from this synergy does not survive.


Nikola Tesla said, “If you want to understand the Universe, think of energy, frequency, vibration.”


Energy and Consciousness


The Universe is composed of energy and consciousness.  Every part of our Universe, including its inhabitants, consists of vibrating matter called energy.  Energy cannot be created or destroyed.  It is the manifested Universe.  The science of energy encompasses all other branches of science.  Energy and consciousness are the same, but most people are only aware of the observed world of energy.  Consciousness is the all-pervading, all-powerful, all-knowing, non-vibrating energy.  Total consciousness brings immeasurable light and bliss.


This brings us to the I-Theory by His Holiness Jagadguru Swami Isa, founder of the Global Energy Parliament (GEP).  His I-Theory concept unifies science and outlines the laws that govern the self and the Universe with scientific precision.  It answers questions of who we are, where we are going, thoughts, emotions, soul, consciousness, dark energy and matter, and black holes.  It removes walls of separateness and firmly establishes the knowledge that we are all connected.

The I-particle is a vibrating link between Energy and Consciousness. In addition to its neutral center, it contains the two forces, negative and positive, needed for vibration.

The Black Matter, at 20%, vibrates at high frequencies and short wavelengths.

The Red Matter, at 30%, vibrates at mid-level frequencies and wavelengths.

The White Matter, at 50%, vibrates at low frequencies and long wavelengths.  It is the most transparent.