Masters of Health Magazine December 2023 | Page 104

The most commonly known, and studied biological iron molecules are the heme proteins: examples are hemoglobinmyoglobin, and cytochrome P450Many metabolic supporting enzymes contain iron such as catalase and lipoxygenase. The cytochrome proteins also involve heme groups and are involved in the metabolic oxidation of glucose (cellular fuel).

Mathematically speaking, the conversion, regulation, and transport of iron utilization, is controlled through the action of Aconitase – a principal iron regulatory protein. Other biomarkers include ferritin, frataxin, transferrin, hepcidin and particularly Ferrochelatase which is a preparatory protein that is an important step for iron use by the body (This is particularly troublesome for Parkinson’s sufferers.)

Iron is necessary for optimal function of many primary body systems.  It is both essential and a potential toxin.  Iron plays a vital role as part of blood and is involved in electron transfer. Literally iron is an intrinsic part of the life blood of our existence.

The inappropriate use of iron by the body is directly related to FATIGUE.

Although not the presence of iron, that can be laboratory tested, but the metabolism of iron by the body comes into question when voice spectral analyses of volunteers, reportedly suffering from long term FATIGUE, showed a pattern of disturbed iron metabolism.

Frequencies bombard our planet and influence the movement of water on the planet.  Could the same be said for earth’s inhabitants since we are reportedly 90% water?  During the latter part of December and the early part of January, many BioAcoustic frequencies, believed to have an influence on earth’s residents, are associated with iron metabolism.  It is, therefore, reasonable to project an increase in the complaints and incidences of FATIGUE.

If knowledge of which aspects of disturbed iron metabolism could be identified for every individual, steps could be taken to eliminate the FATIGUE.  Again, the availability of an internet WorkStation for such testing has been set up for public use and can be reached via – SERVICES – Campaigns – fatigue or iron.

If a person’s iron metabolism could be evaluated and those results used to reestablish optional iron metabolism, FATIGUE would likely cease be such a prevalent issue.   Among the vocal graphs that were volunteered by FATIGUE plagued covid sufferers, at least eight iron related issues were of concern.


For nearly forty years The Institute of BioAcoustic Biology & Sound Health, located in Ohio, USA, has been evaluating the concepts of Math as Medicine. Since the early 2000’s they have decoded seasonal flus into mathematical formulations designed to assist the body’s defensive response to seasonal pathogens.  Close to 2000 vocal prints have been accumulated: with 524 listing FATIGUE as a contributing factor to their malaise.

In August 2019, Nexus magazine published an article by Robt O’Leary, JD, showing that 5G interfered with the body ability to process iron. Articles showing dead birds surrounding 5G towers have been published.  Birds’ beaks contain specialized iron molecules that allow them to navigate the earth’s magnetic patterns.  Could the same influenced be afflicting humans?

Articles are readily available showing the relationship between long term Covid and FATIGUE.  BioAcoustic Biology has decoded the relationship between proteins related to Covid and iron regulatory proteins and is attempting to make that information available to the public in the hope of a more energetic tomorrow.

Additional Iron containing foods and iron deficiencies info can be found at: