Masters of Health Magazine December 2022 | Page 17

Further acidification of the oceans, the creation of low and no oxygen zones, and the further stagnation and heating of the oceans. 18

Overheated seas are dead seas and the current heat buildup on Planet Earth is equal to thermal energy contained in over 400,000 Hiroshima bombs per day. 19


Rapidly rising levels of greenhouse gases (especially methane) will intensify algae blooms and marine die-offs. We are in free fall toward what is known as "Canfield Ocean," a state of stratification, overheating, de-oxygenation, and mass die off.

Rapidly Escalating Ocean and Land Temperatures Are Causing Vast Methane Deposits to Thaw

The extremely rapid warming of the Planet is causing formerly frozen methane hydrate deposits to thaw and release into the atmosphere; and global climate engineering has made this situation far worse overall, not better.

Rapidly Escalating Ocean and Land Temperatures Are Causing Vast Methane Deposits to Thaw

The extremely rapid warming of the Planet is causing formerly frozen methane hydrate deposits to thaw and release into the atmosphere; and global climate engineering has made this situation far worse overall, not better.

Methane is also releasing at an ever increasing rate from lake and sea beds around the Globe, especially in the Arctic.

As formerly frozen methane hydrate/clathrate deposits on sea and lake beds thaw, the methane migrates to the surface where it can be temporarily trapped in the ice. As global ice deposits melt and recede, more and more methane reaches the atmosphere.