Masters of Health Magazine December 2022 | Page 16

The oceans are warming at an unprecedented pace, this is due to the rapidly worsening anthropogenic greenhouse effect that has been significantly worsened by 65-plus years of climate engineering.


Geoengineering has destroyed the ozone layer, which allows lethal levels of UV radiation through to Earth's surface. 12


The excessive UV is decimating plankton populations and fueling the thermal buildup of heat on our Planet. Climate engineering has also radically disrupted wind patterns, which in turn affects ocean currents.


This has contributed to extreme pockets of ocean heat due to a lack of ocean circulation and mixing. "Red tides" and the death they bring to the seas will continue to increase.


Since at least 2007, the climate engineers have aggressively tried to suppress the development of El Niño events;13 this has greatly contributed to the ocean heat build up (and the consequences of the heat) that we are now seeing.

The die-off of sea stars along the North American West Coast has also been horrific. 14


Much of the Eastern Pacific Ocean is superheating, 15 a very dire fact that most of the population is still completely unaware of thanks to the mainstream media machine of mass distraction.



What Is "Ocean Fertilization" Doing To Our Seas?

Another form of geoengineering, "ocean fertilization," is also contributing to the ever expanding dead zones around the Globe.


Available data indicates that the toxic materials being sprayed for "solar radiation management" over our oceans are engineered and intended to trigger "ocean fertilization" when the materials settle to the sea surface.

The intent of ocean fertilization is to cause an algae bloom in order to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. For the climate engineers, reducing atmospheric CO2  is a success, but at what cost does it come?