Masters of Health Magazine December 2020 | Page 65

This has the opposite effect of what is expected, and it can result in a hopeless positive feedback loop and a runaway inflammatory cascade. Ultimately, massive blood clots form throughout the capillaries and the patient dies of disseminated intravascular coagulation or of multiple organ failure. I described this effect in a recent previous article in Masters of Health [23].

7 Conclusion

For all its down sides, COVID-19 has a silver lining, which is the opportunity to learn more about human biology through careful study of patients who become seriously ill, ending up in the ICU, or in the morgue. Collectively, the many papers on the COVID-19 disease process reveal a fantastic mechanism by which a serious mitochondrial disorder in the immune cells can be efficiently repaired, with the help of SARS CoV-2. It necessitates uncomfortable symptoms such as a sense that you are drowning due to the accumulation of deuterium depleted water in the lungs. But this water enables the macrophages to repair their mitochondria, which then empowers them to clear the virus, metabolizing the viral components into useful raw materials. Ultimately, it strengthens the host’s immune system.

But this may not be enough for patients who have been more severely compromised by glyphosate and other environmental toxins, and these unfortunate individuals progress into a more severe stage where platelet involvement can lead to massive production of blood clots throughout the vasculature, with potentially life-threatening consequences. It may be that the very best way to protect yourself from COVID-19 is to consume a 100% certified organic whole foods diet.


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