Inflammation induces the extraction of protons from the fatty acids in the viral envelope to produce DDW, while at the same time triggering overproduction of hyaluronic acid, which can trap deuterium-rich water in a gel, accumulating in the alveoli and further depleting deuterium in the remaining fluid interstitial water. The leaky blood barriers that are also induced allow not only macrophages but also mesenchymal stem cells emerging from the bone marrow to congregate in the fluids in the lung interstitial spaces that have been scrubbed of their deuterium. The mesenchymal stem cells gift their mitochondria to the macrophages by releasing them into tunneling nanotubes that stretch across from a source cell to a recipient cell [17]. It is plausible that they can pick up some of that DDW along the way.
The mitochondria can also be released directly into the medium and swept up into a vacuole, formed in a recipient macrophage, after they have restored DDW in their intermembrane space. The vacuole itself can be directly supplying a large quantity of trapped DDW to the cell that internalizes it.
Besides mesenchymal stem cells, platelets are also a fantastic source of fresh mitochondria for the macrophages. Platelets are tiny cell fragments with no nucleus that each contain a handful of mitochondria. Under stressful conditions, so-called “activated” platelets release their mitochondria into the medium, either as isolated mitochondria or packaged up inside lipid particles called exosomes [18]. The macrophages take up these mitochondria, most likely after they have been re-enforced with deuterium depleted water. It is even con- ceivable to me that a primary function of platelets is to serve as a reserve supply of healthy mitochondria for the immune cells.
Thus, the virus has orchestrated a fantastic repair mechanism which then empowers the macrophages to be able to clear the virus, because they have now been endowed with an adequate supply of healthy mitochondria. This makes an argument for a very different viewpoint on the role of viruses in health and disease. The viruses appear to be collaborating with the host cells in an intricate dance that ultimately results in healing, unless there are too many toxic interferences that derail the plan.
6 Drastic Final Measures
In some patients, all of the above efforts are not good enough, likely because their macrophages’ mitochondria are severely impaired due to chronic exposure to glyphosate and/or other toxic chemicals. When this happens, a systemic response ensues, involving all the blood vessels throughout the body. An enzyme called heme oxygenase is massively produced in response to sustained low oxygen availability, and it breaks down the heme that is present in large amounts in the red blood cells, converting it to biliverdin.
Biliverdin in turn gets converted to bilirubin, an outstanding antioxidant that can protect from oxidative damage due to peroxynitrite and peroxyl radicals [19]. But, for every molecule of biliverdin that is produced, three molecules of deuterium depleted water are also produced. It has been shown that generally heme oxygenase is a healthy and welcomed response to inflammation, which eventually tames the inflammation and resolves the disease process [20].
However, glyphosate can interfere with this process as well, by substituting for a critical glycine residue in heme oxygenase. Mutations in this glycine residue have been shown to convert heme oxygenase into a rogue version of itself that not only can’t break down heme (and therefore can’t produce DDW), but also releases highly inflammatory ferryl iron (Fe+4) from the heme [21, 22].