Masters of Health Magazine August 2018 | Page 9

Is Frequency Our new Medicine or an Ancient Mystery Revealed?

The Pioneering Work of Sharry Edwards

“The list of how Vocal Profiling can be used seems endless and provides an avenue for the integration of energy medicine with the allopathic approach,” states Roman Chrucky, MD. Dr. Chrucky credits this new technology with predicting his heart attack last year and for helping his body reverse a diagnosis of prostate cancer. “My experiences with this technique are very real because they have made a difference in my own life and those of my patients. I’m very happy with this work and very happy that Sharry has stuck to these ideas in the face of much adversity. In my opinion she’s the doctor’s doctor. I send all my perplexing patients to her even though by definition, what she does, is not medicine.”

Known as Vocal Profiling the idea of analyzing the frequencies and modulation of a human voice to determine emotional, biochemical and structural status of a person is being used by medical facilities and schools; for military applications; in police work for verification purposes; in research studies for issues thought to be incurable, to determine wellness patterns; to relieve the stress of pain; to determine exposure to toxins and pathogens. From working with the firefighter’s union and engineers at ground zero, to assisting physicians in determining the potential cause of health related mysteries, this novel work is Star Trek medicine in the making.

Edwards has organized a network of people that are being trained in these techniques so that a groundswell of people can attend to their own communities should a health catastrophe occur. Her premise is to create a new paradigm of health while leaving the present broken system behind.

She is following the advice of another uniquely talented pioneer, Buckminister Fuller, who said “In order to change something, don’t struggle to change the existing model. Create a new model and make the old one obsolete.”

Sharry Edwards: How Frequencies Can Heal And Voice Can Explain Personality. watch video below.