Masters of Health Magazine August 2018 | Page 8

Albany, OH ("" PRWEB) July 2, 2010 -- It usually takes a well-funded scientific breakthrough or an overwhelming catastrophe to facilitate change that actually makes a difference. People are slow to embrace new scientific information because anything fundamentally different from the status quo intimidates them. Although a major disaster forces transformation, people don’t always adjust willingly. The most profound and permanent way to cause a shift in perception is through affirmative life experience.

In an attempt to shift perceptions concerning health care, a small, yet highly innovative educational research institute located in southern Ohio, Sound Health, is reporting novel research that supports the assertion that ancient Templar cross architecture contains math codes that support frequency-based medicine. The idea of revisiting lost knowledge through the use of computer assembled biometics provides a new paradigm that will change the face of future medicine.

Known as Human BioAcoustics and Vocal Profiling , this innovative biotechnology is the inspiration of an uniquely talented pioneer, Sharry Edwards™. Edwards is a graduate of Ohio University with degrees in Interpersonal Communication and Curriculum and Instruction but she clearly states that nothing in her background or education could have prepared her for the work she is doing. One of the most exciting projects for Edwards has been the work she has done collaboratively with the US Army concerning Traumatic Brain Injury and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

It has been written that many great thinkers have attempted to decode the mysteries of the universe using math, geometry, music, frequency and architecture. The recent popularity of the movie: The daVinci Code and Dan Brown’s new book, The Symbol have sparked our imaginations concerning information that has been kept hidden from the populace. While Brown’s book hints at architecture as hidden knowledge, Edwards’ work proves that the ancient Templar cross contains the math codes that support cellular rejuvenation.

The idea of revisiting lost knowledge through the use of a mathematical matrix of the frequency field of the body is very important to our future of understanding physics. Edwards’ research provides many of the answers concerning Pythagorian string theory and how it can be combined with modern string theory to explain how DNA “strings” can be dominated using frequency.

Using frequency as an intrinsic healing modality is an ancient tool brought forward into the modern era through BioAcoustic Biology; a major innovation that could change the face of future medicine. Through dedication, tenacity and hard work the foundational principles of the voice as an indicator of health will soon become as common as taking your temperature or blood pressure when you visit your health care provider.

This new technology utilizes the premise that the body can identify and prescribe for itself using the algorithms of vocalized frequencies to accurately quantify, organize, and extrapolate biometric information.