Masters of Health Magazine April 2020 | Page 36

© 2020 Lady Carla Davis -

17. Freshen and circulate the air in your home each day. Breathe in the air near ocean waves or water falls, which are a rich source of small beneficial negative ions. Another option is to get a quality air purifier/ionizer. Do your research.

18. AVOID pollution, including EMFs, which hinder breathing. Turn off wifi and limit mobile phone usage. Do not smoke! Humming, singing, breathing OUT and holding as long as possible oxygenates the body. Practice the Butaynko, Taidao, Tai Chi, Yoga, and/or Meditation methods of breathing. These modalities are all very beneficial because they help to balance the body’s pH and strengthen the immune system. For more information go to:;;

Remember...the body has four channels of elimination:

Lungs Kidneys Bowels


Each channel must eliminate 2 lbs of toxins a day. DO NOT hinder them; ASSIST


Helpful Links: 6:09 Dr.SHIVA on Corona Virus - Time to Talk about Immune Health!

Dr. V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai

52:16 (Start at 1min.) Time for Truth on Coronavirus March 14, 2020

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai Scientist

Dr.SHIVA discusses Coronavirus and teaches you what to do for yourself and your loved ones. The LIGHT of knowledge will destroy the infection of fear & uncertainty fuelled by those who NEVER cared for your health.

Bathe in sunlight/full-spectrum natural daylight without sunglasses for at least one hour a day.