South Seas University
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Present a 5-week On-Line Course via Zoom
The Future of Agriculture is Regenerative!
Regenerative Agriculture is a holistic land management practice that leverages the power of photosynthesis in plants to balance the carbon cycle and build soil health, crop resilience, and nutrient density.
Regenerative agriculture improves soil health primarily through practices that increase organic matter, which expands biota diversity and biodiversity above and below the soil surface. In turn, this increases water-holding capacity and sequesters carbon at greater depths balancing atmospheric CO2 and improving soil structure to reverse soil loss.
Regenerative Agriculture reverses damage from tillage, agricultural chemicals, salt-based fertilizers, and mining to build a better future. Enrich your knowledge, soil, and income with this unique course by Dr. André Leu, D.Sc., BA Com., Grad Dip Ed.
Send your name, address, email, tel. #, & profession to
Present a 5-week On-Line via Zoom
Certificate Course on
by Dr. Andre Leu, D.Sc., BA Com., Grad Dip Ed.
25/26 July-1/2 Aug 2023 / US$500