Masters of Health Magazine September 2023 | Page 108

move; they constantly respond to the surrounding environment. Sensitive experiments dating from the 1920s showed that plants possess a nervous system.  Polygraphs have demonstrated that plants respond to human thought and speech.  These “simpler” forms possess a life force, which has important implications for us.  Plants and people share in the divinity of the grand design of nature.


One of the most famous and respected names associated with the unique use of plants in healing is Dr. Edward Bach of England (1886 - 1936).  Edward Bach discovered that certain flowering plants can alleviate human emotional problems (which affect our physical health). Bach extracted the essence or vibratory imprint from particular flowers and transferred this energy imprint into pure water, then ingested orally or placed sublingually.  These nonmaterial essences function as vibrational medicine - healing energy.  The “flower-essences” work on the multidimensional mind-body-spirit being.  Each healing flower offers unique benefits to an individual.  Long before Dr. Bach, Ancient Tribes in South America similarly found native flowers useful for soothing physical, emotional, and psychological illnesses.


The flower-essences balance, unblock, and harmonize various subtle and fine energy systems of the body-mind-spirit being.  They are targeted to improve emotions. Healing our emotions is an inseparable process from the physical healing process.  At the deepest level, everything (and everyone) is energy and all layers of healing interact.


An exciting new development has surfaced in recent years that allows the direct application of the flower-essences through sound frequencies - bypassing the physical flower altogether.  In this novel approach, the same marvelous benefits many have long enjoyed via the traditional water-borne flower-essences, can be quickly and effectively bestowed through sound.


Pioneers such as Sharry Edwards and Dr. Royal Rife spent their lives studying, measuring, and deriving vibrational energies for healing. The ancient Hindus spent thousands of years perfecting sounds to improve various health issues.  Eventually, Sound Healers identified exact

wavelengths of sound to improve specific ailments. 


Sharry Edwards reports a revealing example of the nature of sound in healing. Niacin is a vitamin that is necessary for life.  If a person is deficient in niacin, they can take supplements.  A flushing of the skin often occurs with the use of niacin supplements.  Edwards found that she can administer the frequency equivalent of niacin (using only sound waves) to a person and the same nutritional benefit is achieved; astonishingly the skin flushing will also occur.


As reported above, the benefits of the flower remedies can be passed directly through the use of sound.  The author's work has endeavored to extend the benefits of the flower-essences by composing "Healing Flower Music" (Symphonies) that employ the sound frequency associations of the flowers.  The characteristic flower frequency is embedded in a complex musical composition.  The listener receives the flower essence energy from this frequency, but much more. The frequency need not be loud or isolated. The body is adept at incorporating subtle frequencies from a complex soundscape.  In the Healing Flower Symphonies, the multidimensional musical composition first expresses the negative emotion that the flower energy can remove.  Listening to the negative aspect offers catharsis to loosen and clear emotional blockages. People can be so overwhelmed by negative energies that they cannot receive positive energies until the clear emotional baggage is cleared.


The symphony then plunges into a positive emotional transformation.  This positive movement uplifts the listener and together with the accompanying flower frequency builds habits of positive emotions.  


In an example, for those who live in a dreamy, not-fully-awake, and alert state, the Clematis flower is the remedy.  Clematis is the reality flower essence.  The Clematis symphony continually beats out the flower's frequency.  On top of this track, the overarching music begins with “breath” becoming the percussion beat, combining with pleasing, diffuse tones to create a foggy state of dreaminess.  As the song continues, the music changes, becoming crystal clear and helping to define one’s perceptions and conclusions and to dance in the glory of the fully awakened light with clear melodic tones.


In closing, the benefits of the flower-essences have been widely utilized by people since ancient times to gain a gentle emotional lift or helpful resolution.  A total vibrational energy path to the same blessings now exists - listening to the frequency associated with the desired Flower. 

 The transformation of sentient plant energy to pure vibrational energy is yet another manifestation that all living entities and all energies are one in the grand design.  For our part we need to care for and preserve nature; enjoy the bounty of a simple wildflower to help fill your deepest emotional needs.