Masters of Health Magazine September 2023 | Page 102

Week 4

Milk protein is the most prominent frequency activated this week.  Milk allergies can cause sinus, throat, bronchial and lung issues.

Streptococcus pneumonia pathogens will come into play by the end of the week. Vitamin B2 is activated on Wednesday [Riboflavin is a B vitamin. It can be found in certain foods such as milk, meat, eggs, nuts, enriched flour, and green vegetables.]

The gene that is most in stress is familial Alzheimer but at the same time the herb, Curcumin, is active.  Curcumin is often touted as a spice that can dissolve deadly brain plaques that can cause Alzheimer’s.  [Curcumin comes from Turmeric, an herb.]

Edema might be in the air as the mineral, Sodium comes into play on Monday.  You might find yourself craving salt loaded fries or chips.

The Multifidi muscle, along with the Iliocostalis lumborum continues to stress the back in general; and specifically the lower back.

For those whose ph. (acid/alkaline) balance might makes you susceptible to Scabies. Severe itching (pruritus), especially at night, is the earliest and most common symptom of scabies. Utter Balm is a sheep lanolin-based salve that may help.  Campho Phenique salve or liquid (local Walmart) may also help.

A toxin – food additive high on the active list this month:  MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) is contained in steak sauces, salad dressings, meat tenderizers, as a flavor enhancer in many packaged foods such as Hamburger Helper, Lipton’s Onion Soup Mix and Progresso’s and Campbell’s soups. Sauces, gravy mixes, Bacon bits…. also contain high amounts of MSG.  Many fast-food restaurants and Chinese restaurants utilize MSG.  Snacks foods are frequently enhanced (Pringles, Doritos, Planters nuts, Cheese-Its…) with MSG.

 Reactions can be slight to severe from burning feelings in chest, arms and face, chest pains, headache, fatigue, heart palpitations, numbness, sweating and nausea.  The incidence of reactions to MSG has become so prevalent that it has a name:  Chinese Restaurant Syndrome.

Some people claim that taking B vitamins, particularly B6, before you eat will help eliminate some of the symptoms.  Long term reactions to MSG can include still joints and connective tissue disorders, such as Carpal Tunnel.


The pathogen in stress for the next few days is Borrelia – a strain of Lyme’s disease.


Muscles include the tailbone area and above along with the muscles of the lower leg.  Secondary muscles just coming into stress are the eye muscles and thumb.


Insulin becomes vulnerable on Monday along with Zithromax (Z-pak) which is nearly the same frequency as one type of insulin.   Vasopressin, a biochemical that helps regulate blood pressure and blood sugar plays a part in blood glucose frequency balance over the next few days.

Compiled and researched by Sharry Edwards, MEd. – Questions or comments -


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Sharry Edwards. MEd. is the acknowledged pioneer of BioAcoustic Vocal profiling